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Lol poor olinkapo
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Super Regular
Soldier Flag

P: 04/19/2014 02:15 EST
    Last night, during a game, Olinkapo was performing a scout rush to get the enemy flag as soon as the pre match ended, and somehow once he got to the enemy base, he killed himself witha MIRV, ROFL don't ask me or him or anyone else that witnessed this last night how this happened, but I got a laugh out of it.   
Daycare Manager
Dizzy Capper

P: 04/19/2014 04:05 EST
    LOL, my guess is someone threw a mirv and then quit before getting the kill.  
Super Regular
WMD Creator

P: 04/19/2014 04:27 EST
Frankie Spankie wrote:
LOL, my guess is someone threw a mirv and then quit before getting the kill.
Madness! Mayhem! Pandemonium!
Super Regular
Soldier Flag

P: 04/19/2014 05:24 EST
Frankie_Spankie wrote:
LOL, my guess is someone threw a mirv and then quit before getting the kill.
Thanks Frankie!!! That makes sense!!! :D ORRR scouts secretly carry mirvs!!
Super Regular
Engineer Flag

P: 04/19/2014 08:19 EST
    Happened to me once. Had a guy jump into our sniper respawn and spamming the hell out of it. Left a bunch of nades inside. Drippy kickbanned the offender 5 days before the MIRVs went off and killed me, and the list just said I killed self with mirvgrenade :P

Not playing demo though! Lol
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Forums > D2F Discussion (Archives) > Lol poor olinkapo