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2 many medics
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Super Regular
Soldier Flag

P: 05/16/2016 01:49 EST
    Man, I have played one of the funniest games of my life to date, when a lot of us all decided to go medic, lol. We wreaked havoc, chaos, and won by 10 caps. It was great. I think even one enemy member said, Damn Medics, calm down. It was great! Too much fun!  
Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 05/16/2016 09:05 EST
    hehe yes it was funny but not so much for the other team lol  
Daycare Manager
Pipebomb Monkey

P: 05/16/2016 12:32 EST
    LMAO! It's been a LONG time since I've seen an organized Medic Rush. I remember a round looooong ago, we couldn't get the flag out for nothing. Someone suggested we all go Medic and rush them at the same time. It was glorious chaos! I distinctly remember(sadly, this was long before I recorded every match) someone pub-chatting, "HOLY SHIT! THEY'RE ALL MEDICS!!!!"

I have no idea if that happened here, or some other server that was running 2fort at the time... but it was funny shit!
Super Regular
Soldier Flag

P: 05/19/2016 21:12 EST
    LOL Fred!!! Yeah they were scrambling!!!

LOL Iggy!!!! Sounds like it was a blast!!!!!!!!!
Super Regular
Rocket Jockey

P: 05/19/2016 22:13 EST
    i joined that game, was on the receiving team..everyone was running around OH NOES!!!!.....'disconnect'  
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Forums > D2F Discussion (Archives) > 2 many medics