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Let's discuss....friendly fire
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Daycare Manager
Pipebomb Monkey

P: 07/18/2016 01:45 EST
Poll: Friendly Fire
Yes! More! (41%)
No! Less! (36%)
Don't care. (23%)
Poll has ended (it ran for 14 days). 22 total votes.
Some like FF, some don't. So, I've mostly been asking those on before turning it on, except for a few occasions where the spam was just insane.

For the record: when FF is on, explosive damage is split between you and your team mate(s). Direct fire(shotgun, nail gun, sniper rifle, etc) is straight mirror.

I think this can help teach newbies to not team shoot. Haven't seen anyone trying to run into FF to hurt a team mate intentionally.

Oh, Walnuts: for the record, today, I was going to leave it on for 2 rounds, but saw you come in and check time remaining. I knew you'd come back for the next round, so I turned it back off. I tease you a bit, but I'm not trying to alienate you.
Super Regular
Shotgun Quick

P: 07/18/2016 02:08 EST
    On....because hilariously shit happens and everyone's too busy typing sorry then playing.  
P: 07/18/2016 16:40 EST
    Darnit, I meant to hit no. Because everytime I'm sniping someone runs in front of me and I damn near blow my own head off.   
Daycare Manager
Killer Scout

P: 07/18/2016 14:25 EST
    I enjoy FF every so often. So yes, more.
Though it gets difficult when the server is full, albeit people usually leave when FF is on.

I still want a full round of washing machine...
P: 07/18/2016 15:17 EST
    FF might help my !hunts if I go spy, because then it puts Iggy in a dilemma: either risk team shooting or risk letting his guard down.  
Daycare Manager
Pipebomb Monkey

P: 07/18/2016 15:21 EST
    Friendly Fire definitely makes the Spy class more effective. Because everyone will bleed. That's when you have to pay very close attention.   
Unreasonable Dictator
Hot Roasted
Sniper Delivery

P: 07/18/2016 16:40 EST
Wally's_Husband wrote:
Darnit, I meant to hit no.
You can change your vote...
Mr. Walnuts
Daycare Manager
Pipey FlagCatcher

P: 07/18/2016 20:46 EST
Ignorant_Florist wrote:
Oh, Walnuts: for the record, today, I was going to leave it on for 2 rounds, but saw you come in and check time remaining. I knew you'd come back for the next round, so I turned it back off. I tease you a bit, but I'm not trying to alienate you.
I did come back. Thanks.
Mr. Walnuts
Daycare Manager
Pipey FlagCatcher

P: 07/19/2016 21:48 EST
XenOz3r0xT wrote:
On....because hilariously shit happens and everyone's too busy typing sorry then playing.
Right!! Like its their fault ff is on.
Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 07/20/2016 06:41 EST
    it helps to have it on some times and other times it does not, but it sure does make you play more careful  
Super Regular
Shotgun Quick

P: 07/20/2016 08:24 EST
Mr. Walnuts wrote:
XenOz3r0xT wrote:
On....because hilariously shit happens and everyone's too busy typing sorry then playing.
Right!! Like its their fault ff is on.
!hunt Walnuts
Mr. Walnuts
Daycare Manager
Pipey FlagCatcher

P: 07/20/2016 17:36 EST
fred wrote:
it helps to have it on some times and other times it does not, but it sure does make you play more careful
heh heh heh hahaha MUHAHAHAHAHAH
Super Regular
Soldier Flag

P: 07/20/2016 19:01 EST
Wally's_Husband wrote:
Don't really care what they wrote, just wanted to say this person is the father of all trolls!
Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 07/20/2016 19:20 EST
Mr. Walnuts wrote:
fred wrote:
it helps to have it on some times and other times it does not, but it sure does make you play more careful
heh heh heh hahaha MUHAHAHAHAHAH
!hunt Mr.Walnuts
[d2f] HW on defense
Super Regular
Demoman Flag

P: 07/22/2016 15:23 EST
    Remember when we used to do friendly fire friday's which was basically 1 day a week and then it would still be pretty much optional also but more inclined to be on.

I honestly wouldnt mind a pre round vote during warmup built into the game where you would say need a 2/3 majority who want it on to have it switched on, otherwise always off.

I play because i like freely lobbing grenades all over (within the rules of course) but not having to necessarily worry about if my team mate is there.
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Forums > D2F Discussion (Archives) > Let's discuss....friendly fire