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Here's a couple of lol's for ya...
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Daycare Manager
Pipebomb Monkey

P: 12/06/2017 14:34 EST
E: 12/06/2017 14:34 EST
    It's no secret that I record all my matches. Been doing it for ages.

I've had YouTube channels in the past, but because the one was tied to my (now defunct) website, I can no longer access it to upload shit. I did find the channel, and download all of the videos I had on it, and I'll get to re-uploading them to my new channel sometime in the hear future.

Now..... I've been working on making videos of some of the gameplay here on d2f. I've posted some bans of people who, frankly, deserved them. But I'm not running a "shaming" channel. Mostly, those videos are intended to show you what NOT to do.

Getting back to the recording of matches...

Sometimes, something very rare happens, which is both amusing, and leaves you to wonder just how shit like that happens...

I put together a short video this morning, of something that happened yesterday. There weren't many people on, but there were a few moments where even *I* was shocked at what happened.

Two clips in the same video...

Daycare Manager
Killer Scout

P: 12/06/2017 14:34 EST
E: 12/06/2017 14:34 EST
    Couple things:

Shame on that soldier. Unless he had his sound off, he should've been aware of his surroundings because of the alert of the flag being taken. Also, this is an example of how sneaky one can be with footsteps being turned off.

FEAR is alive? Haven't played with him in a while.

I'm pretty sure both you AND Kyree have your names carved into the rock in the rafters above basement resupply.
Daycare Manager
Pipebomb Monkey

P: 12/06/2017 14:34 EST
E: 12/06/2017 14:34 EST
    I would love to know what he(and the engy) did after I ran by. I didn't turn around to see if they pursued me, but no one shot at me that I'm aware of.

This is one of those times I really wish the HLTV demos were readily available. I hate to bother Drippy- asking for them. It would have been great to be able to add them to the video.

Daycare Manager
Killer Scout

P: 12/06/2017 14:34 EST
E: 12/06/2017 14:34 EST
    Are the HLTV demos uploaded to a cloud service? I supposed I should just ask this in the actual thread.   
Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 12/06/2017 14:34 EST
E: 12/06/2017 14:34 EST
    All I saw was a medic who cant HH ;-P  
Daycare Manager
Pipebomb Monkey

P: 12/06/2017 14:34 EST
E: 12/06/2017 14:34 EST
-[IBSC]-iLluSiON- wrote:
Are the HLTV demos uploaded to a cloud service? I supposed I should just ask this in the actual thread.
I honestly don't know. Drippy- was nice enough to zip up a bunch from late last month when I asked. I am still going through those. I just don't want to be a pest, you know?

Super Regular
Rocket Jockey

P: 12/06/2017 14:34 EST
E: 12/06/2017 14:34 EST
    Thanks for sharing that video was good stuff.

I really need to learn how to conc jump. Shame on me for never learning. :(
Daycare Manager
Pipebomb Monkey

P: 12/06/2017 14:34 EST
E: 12/06/2017 14:34 EST
    It's not hard... I'll teach you, if you want.  
Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 12/06/2017 14:34 EST
E: 12/06/2017 14:34 EST
    You hold the conc until its about to go off and then you jump. beep...beep...beep...then 3 quick beeps. You want to hit jump on the 2nd quick beep and if timed correctly you will jump just as it explodes and go flying. It also helps to strafe like you would bunnyhopping into the jump. This allows you to air strafe easier. Once you get good you should be able to HH right up to bments and make that turn into the hallway that goes to main spawn. Once you get godly good like Louie or Epz you will be able to conc from bottom spiral into the flag room and out LH all on one conc. Lol, jk, but they pull off amazing concs.

I had an issue with rates only allowing like 40% of my handhelds to go off.

Spoofer helped me through that and I gained distance, height and my timing was way more accurate on my handhelds.

I now miss like 5% of my HH
Daycare Manager
Pipebomb Monkey

P: 12/06/2017 14:34 EST
E: 12/06/2017 14:34 EST
    I prefer to jump out of the water, myself, unless there are no Snipers around. I think I've actually made 3-4 HHs in the past 10 years. Given my nerve issues, I think it's best if I stick with what I know. :/

Super Regular
FatGuy With
A LittleGun

P: 12/06/2017 14:34 EST
E: 12/06/2017 14:34 EST
    I HH conc most everywhere except the elevator. I like to throw it in the divet at the bottom of the ele because it sinks down just a tad.  
Daycare Manager
Killer Scout

P: 11/17/2017 11:04 EST
E: 11/17/2017 11:08 EST
    Same thing here, Gaba. Though sometimes I find it difficult to HH up to grate depending on if anyone is around and I get into a battle. But for the most part, if you HH in certain areas, you can fly through the map.. Especially in the basement.
Another good trick is to double conc to ele. You can throw down your first conc (to battlements) and HH your second conc so you can fly straight to ele door. It takes some practice and is hard with a full server, but every now and then it happens.
Generally, going into water with flag is a nono with a full server IMHO. But it's fine with a lesser amount of people.
(I'm referring to Medic... Scout is a different story and tactic altogether.)
Super Regular
FatGuy With
A LittleGun

P: 11/17/2017 13:34 EST
E: 11/17/2017 13:38 EST
    conc'ing from water to batts is easy but takes a little bit longer, hence hh conc as you fall off batts and jump just as soon as you touch down when doing a zerg rush. When I do that I prime the second one when I'm at the highest point in the jump, then a few hops then fly to ele. But lately I've been saving my conc's for losers in the basement.

HH from bottom spiral to LH is actually not that hard. epz showed me that once you line it up properly it's actually almost hard to miss it. You stare at the nook in the mid basement when it goes off and air strafe. I use that a lot. The hard part isn't missing the jump it's being blocked in the spiral. Typically you prime that as soon as you reach the top turn but if anyone blocks you then you won't make it in time.

The jump from rsh to lh is a little bit harder than that, for me anyways.

I've only landed it a few times but it is possible to HH conc from batts to batts as scout.

HH conc up grate is a lot easier if you use a double tap nade script. I know you don't like that but it's a case where once you get into combat you really can't be holding down the nade key to execute the jump.

It's possible and actually not too hard to HH nade jump up the grate as HW. I do this sometimes for fun not as a primary tactic.

A really sleek HH conc jump is from the ramp room, air strafe through second floor and then down the top spiral. Very useful and when you land it is super sweet.

The jump I have the hardest time with is from the second floor down the top of the spiral. HH conc from the box room down the spiral is not too difficult, but, it's possible to come off the batts, do a few hops, and then from the mid-left of the second floor conc yourself down the spiral. I have not even come close to mastering this second floor jump, you need to hop like a quarter second before it goes off and then crouch when you're at the apex of your jump. Actually I have not seen anyone other than epz be able to do this consistently. I asked him his trick and he said 'insane amounts of practicing.'
Daycare Manager
Killer Scout

P: 11/17/2017 13:59 EST
E: 11/17/2017 14:03 EST
    All this talk about concs and HH is reminding me that I need to conserve them more. I feel like I waste them by not using them at the right time. Having 3 instead of 2 makes the world of difference, too. (whine ahead)... Which is why I hate when I see snipers take nades in close games...

PS: we should have a practice run of 2fort for concing. Anyone is welcome to join. I generally practiced by myself but it's always good to have more people. I'm no expert at it and can certainly use some more practice. But it's such an important aspect of offense in 2fort. I'll be around tonight if anyone wants to do this. Hit me up.
Daycare Manager
Pipebomb Monkey

P: 12/06/2017 14:34 EST
E: 12/06/2017 14:34 EST
    And where do you propose to practice that at at night? I can see hitting here in the early morning, as there's likely no one in.... but anywhere else and you're going to get used to one pings timing, then try and adapt it to here's ping, and notice something is off.

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Forums > D2F Discussion (Archives) > Here's a couple of lol's for ya...