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Strange event
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Super Regular
Deadly Dispenser

P: 03/19/2018 00:13 EST
E: 03/19/2018 00:19 EST
    check out this game clip.
Is the video dark to you guys?
Super Regular
WMD Creator

P: 03/19/2018 00:50 EST
E: 03/19/2018 00:53 EST
    There's a pretty decent chance of that happening every time you start recording a demo. The players aren't really floating above the ground, they just visually appear that way on your screen. On everyone else's, they'll appear as normal.

It's also just a visual effect. The actual player is still on the ground. It looked like you might've collided with the HW's actual position when you moved forward, and got blocked. The player's name appears in the lower left of your screen as you stare forward at where he actually is when he runs right in front of you, as normal. If it was instead an enemy and you fired straight ahead of you, you would've hit him.

Usually the demo recording bug only affects the models at the start, and then as the players die or do various other things, they'll start appearing as normal again on the ground.
Super Regular
Deadly Dispenser

P: 03/19/2018 22:12 EST
    Interesting, been recording for a while now never saw that before. That said, yes I had just started the recording. Thanks for the insight.  
Forums > D2F Discussion (Archives) > Strange event