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Is this guy (q) legit?
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Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 05/24/2023 15:38 EST
    Youre certainly trying way too hard at trolling. :)

Get back to work deadbeat.
Super Regular
WMD Creator

P: 05/24/2023 16:23 EST
E: 05/25/2023 00:36 EST
    I'm just sittin' back chillin', lol.

You however have been on a righteous Quest! to expose this nefarious individual's identity!, when 80% of the people posting in this topic have been in the know since minute one. XD Some hardcore D2Ferlock Holmes shit you've had going on, despite missing how thick I've been laying it on and pointing out the holes in your statements, lol. Gaba spotted the error with your naming plotpoint instantly. ^_^;;

Relax, dude, lol. Trying so hard to prove the guy posting under the moniker "Spoofer" may or may not have an inclination towards fun with aliases. XD

On an unrelated note, I was having a monologue with that Q Guy the other night, and was presented with this demo that I found somewhat amusing, so I figured I'd upload it. I can't recall seeing it happen in all my years of TFC. But then again my memory is shit so it's probably happened to me every time I've played the game. Anyway, I hope he doesn't mind!


EDIT: I hope they don't mind. It was wrong of me to assume their pronoun. :{
Super Regular
WMD Creator

P: 05/24/2023 16:31 EST

!report 187 teamshooting in spawn

(On Q's behalf.)
Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 05/24/2023 21:06 EST
    IDK what you are even talking about

I stopped smoking weed a year ago
Super Regular
Shotgun Quick

P: 05/25/2023 12:06 EST
gg#4 wrote:
Whatever you say dude. Im not the one with 7 steamIDs.
Whether he does or doesn’t, and actually this could be for anyone…I am genuinely curious why the need for more than 1-2 Steam IDs? I have two. My main one that I have used since like ~2004 and one I made recently so I can run HLDS and play Goldsrc games with high school friends to reminisce. Never used the second account to play on D2F or anywhere although the complete HL Goldsrc collection is on the second account. Like not for Steam or HL games but for Battlefield games I did make multiple accounts back when I was like in my teens to mid 20s to troll, or to wow people like how can a level 1 be this good, make people rage, wanted to be mysterious, etc. Like is it for the same reasons now? Unless the accounts were acquired like way back in the day then yeah I get it, might as well use them for something.
Super Regular
FatGuy With
A LittleGun

P: 05/28/2023 19:57 EST
    To fuck with people, kinda like how you used that voice morphing software to sound like a girl.

Also I hate you.
Super Regular
Shotgun Quick

P: 05/28/2023 22:15 EST
    Shut up  
Super Regular
WMD Creator

P: 06/04/2023 20:03 EST
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Forums > D2F Discussion (Archives) > Is this guy (q) legit?