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Spawn spam?
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P: 09/23/2005 01:23 EST
    mex has been caught using "hidden"  
Unreasonable Dictator
Hot Roasted
Sniper Delivery

P: 09/23/2005 02:30 EST
    when i streamlined a lot of the code when i redid the thread listing, that was one of the parts i trimmed out thinking it wasnt needed

Mexican Sniper
Super Regular
Headshot God

P: 09/23/2005 04:36 EST
Animal Mother
Super Regular
Pro HWGuy

P: 09/23/2005 04:57 EST
Mearacolo wrote:
I think this shoulndt even be in discussion because now whats to stop a team with max amount of spies popping 2-4 pills per person on spawn doors, or mirvs, emps etc. Every player knows how deadly those secondary nades are.

Drippy seems to have put a lot of time into the server and forums, if spawn spam is aloud whats to make this different then some other pub, a few pissers and ralphy?
The dozens of other features that Drippy plugged into this server. Hunts, humps, events.
Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 09/23/2005 05:43 EST
drippy- wrote:
Ive been planning this for like 2 months. It was a rule put into play strictly for my own convienence while playing, so, since I rarely play, it seems fair to leave it up to you guys. That being said, no promises on changing it.

On one hand, it takes up a lot of admins time, and is responsible for a large majority of the whining on the server, when it could just be up to whatever team to keep people to spamming their spawn.

On the other hand, you have kyree, who will repeatedly do nothing but spam it for hours on end. Strategy aside, its just lame.

Oh, and new forum feature: polls.
hold up for a sec...
either I spam the enemy deck too much or I allegedly spam my OWN respawn too much? wtf
when was the last time I was even seen near my own respawn...I run the same routine every time I play..I run across the bridge..I pipe up to enemy deck..I throw an mirv to the left...one to the right..just before I set detpack I throw a reg pipe and a nade at enemy sniper respawn,,,wtf you talkin 'bout willis?
Super Regular
Rocket Jockey

P: 09/23/2005 12:17 EST
    shame shame shame Kyree lol   
Unreasonable Dictator
Hot Roasted
Sniper Delivery

P: 09/23/2005 13:02 EST
kyree wrote:
wtf you talkin 'bout willis?
Im not saying you have spammed the enemy respawn anytime lately, just that when there is no rule against it, you do constantly. Ive said as much to you before (when there wasnt a rule)

WMD Creator

P: 09/23/2005 16:26 EST
    Voted: I really don't give a shit either way. That is all :-)  
Daycare Manager
Heavy Meat

P: 09/23/2005 16:33 EST
    Drip, dropped you an email.  
Daycare Manager
EMP master

P: 09/24/2005 03:36 EST
    Vote for Soggy!  
Mexican Sniper
Super Regular
Headshot God

P: 09/24/2005 03:53 EST
    eh soggy.. wrong poll, this is not the "hottest udders" poll.  
Super Regular
Propaganda Machine

P: 09/24/2005 05:45 EST
    I voted for the green option "It should be up to the team to defend". I agree, pipe traps and 4 gas greandes are lame, but everything else should be fair game. Mirvs, napalm, the whole bit.  
Daycare Manager
EMP master

P: 09/24/2005 06:32 EST
E: 09/24/2005 06:33 EST
    ^ your option is losing ^ no surprise...

green...? thought it was blue, red & gray.
Mo|son Canadian
Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 09/24/2005 08:07 EST
E: 09/24/2005 08:12 EST
    + most people sit in their base and defend.. so chances are they dont like respawn spam.. too bad most people play defense time and time again.. them losers will always say no to spam... even if i am playing D, i could care less about respawn spam... you die, you shake it off and move on..

Too bad most people just sit around their spawn or flag room .. Might as well call it pussy tfc.

If I played Defense 24/7 I too could have a great k:d ratio. I could have made it that I had 100,000 kills & less than 9,000 deaths if i wanted too.. but sittin in your own base is uber gay.

Much gayness in tfc these days.
P: 09/24/2005 09:42 EST
    so true.  
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Forums > D2F Discussion (Archives) > Spawn spam?