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Is that a rq?
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Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 03/22/2018 14:20 EST
Poll: What will cause you to rage quit?
Team Shooters
Insanely good enemy sniper
Team Infectors (6%)
Insanely good enemy team
A Player who takes 4 green bags (6%)
No comunication (35%)
Shitty team in gerneral (35%)
A specific player (18%)
Poll has ended (it ran for 7 days). 17 total votes.
I believe everyone is guilty of a RQ some more then others. I myself RQ when some one takes all 4 bags and starts teamshooting.
"Thanks for taking the nades and all the ammo just to use them on your own team" *fume*
Sure I RQ some other times but I wonder what causes other people to do it.
Also it my look like I RQ sometimes but sometimes when playing i get a work related phone call or someone shows up at my door and a problem needs to be addressed so I d/c quickly.

Just curious.
Super Regular
Assault Cannon

P: 03/22/2018 16:07 EST
    I don't usually RQ over gameplay. Most of the time it's because my ISP is being a fucking bitch and I'm freezing at the most inopportune moments. I love sitting in defense of the flag room for five minutes and then lag out/freeze just as the enemy comes in and steals the flag. That's when I RQ. Otherwise, getting owned by the opposing team doesn't really irritate me. Getting owned by my ISP does, though...  
Super Regular
Destroyer of

P: 03/22/2018 17:13 EST
Zip wrote:
I believe everyone is guilty of a RQ some more then others. I myself RQ when some one takes all 4 bags and starts teamshooting.
"Thanks for taking the nades and all the ammo just to use them on your own team" *fume*
Sure I RQ some other times but I wonder what causes other people to do it.
Also it my look like I RQ sometimes but sometimes when playing i get a work related phone call or someone shows up at my door and a problem needs to be addressed so I d/c quickly.

Just curious.
Because of Sierra.
Unreasonable Dictator
Hot Roasted
Sniper Delivery

P: 03/22/2018 17:19 EST
    i don't rage quit, i rage ban  
Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 03/22/2018 18:55 EST
    Yeah I can't think of a RQ i did because of another team, when another team is doing well or if the balance is off i don't mind. In some cases it makes it more fun imho.

and LOL @drippy-
I hope I don't catch you on a bad day :D
elf poo
Super Regular
WMD Creator

P: 03/22/2018 21:00 EST
    Who do you play as ZIP?  
Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 03/22/2018 21:19 EST
E: 03/22/2018 21:26 EST
    I play as Engi or Demo mostly but i will also play medic, maybe spy or pyro if the spam is needed.

or my player name is "DS9"
Super Regular
Sniper Harassment

P: 03/23/2018 09:09 EST
    Where do I begin.

I RQ when people just take all 3 bags.

I RQ when a sniper/med/scout take a the nades bag.

I RQ when people come back in the spawn infected to get health.

I RQ when I see people just waiting for the nades to come back, then after running out of the base, dying somewhere, and respawning, the fucker is still there waiting.

I RQ on really good enemy snipers.

I RQ when meds dont due their fucking jobs and med people.

I RQ about a lot of stuff. Maybe I just have anger issues.
Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 03/23/2018 10:00 EST
    When teams are grossly stacked and my team is full of retards who cant even get out of the way of each other or communicate.

Its not so much a rage quit as theres no rage. More so I concede and don't want to get frustrated.

Its like a job where youre the only one working and you just keep digging yourself deeper in the mud while everyone around you who should be helping you out is just throwing more mud on you.
Daycare Manager
Killer Scout

P: 03/23/2018 10:58 EST
    Tellatubby, you rage when medics take nades? You realize that most medics need nades more than other classes, right? At least when they're pushing O.   
Super Regular
Heavy Flag

P: 03/23/2018 11:33 EST
E: 03/23/2018 11:40 EST
drippy- wrote:
i don't rage quit, i rage ban
I never RQ but I sometimes become very annoyed and take a bathroom break and at my age, it could be the rest of the game
Super Regular
Heavy Flag

P: 03/23/2018 11:34 EST
gg#4 wrote:
When teams are grossly stacked and my team is full of retards ....

We prefer "intelligence challenged"
Super Regular
WMD Creator

P: 03/23/2018 12:58 EST
    I wouldn’t call it rage quit, but there were certain players I just didn’t like playing with. if I couldn’t switch teams, then I would leave the game and go do something else. Tanya was one of them, she would play from the bottom resupply with the door open or some other screwy thing that had nothing to do with either offence or defence.  
Super Regular
Sniper Harassment

P: 03/23/2018 13:18 EST
-[IBSC]-iLluSiON- wrote:
Tellatubby, you rage when medics take nades? You realize that most medics need nades more than other classes, right? At least when they're pushing O.
Classes that do the most damage need the nades the most. Spy's and Engis at the top of my list. Otherwise go scout.
Super Regular
Assault Cannon

P: 03/23/2018 13:20 EST
    Tanya's strange way of playing doesn't really bother me. She(?) is just doing her own thing (like we all do), even if it's inept and oft times useless. At least she's(?) guarding the basement resupply like a boss, lol ;)   
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Forums > Whiners Corner (Archives) > Is that a rq?