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Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 09/02/2021 22:51 EST
E: 09/02/2021 23:03 EST
succeed already
prolifewhistleblower.com go fuck yourselves with an aluminum baseball bat
Super Regular
FatGuy With
A LittleGun

P: 09/03/2021 00:18 EST
    I’m pro death   
Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 09/03/2021 00:23 EST
    whereas I'm "pro, mind your own fucking business!"
which is ironic since I bitch about a decision...
Super Regular
EMP suicider

P: 09/03/2021 12:07 EST
Mr. Walnuts
Daycare Manager
Pipey FlagCatcher

P: 09/03/2021 12:45 EST
    Leading the march towards Sharia law. No amount of irony or hypocrisy will stem the flow (ex. Ted Cruz).
Mr. Walnuts
Daycare Manager
Pipey FlagCatcher

P: 09/03/2021 12:47 EST
kyree wrote:
whereas I'm "pro, mind your own fucking business!"
which is ironic since I bitch about a decision...
We're MYOFB when it comes to wearing a mask in the interest of public health. Not when it comes to the most basic personal decisions.
Prelude to Agony
Super Regular
Sniper Harassment

P: 09/03/2021 13:08 EST
    Life was infinitely better when everyone shut the fuck up and minded their own business.

It'd be okay if we got back to that...really.
Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 09/03/2021 14:01 EST
Sleeve wrote:
Thank you....vodka and auto correct got me
moose poop
Super Regular
Body Splatter

P: 09/03/2021 14:04 EST
E: 09/03/2021 14:06 EST
Mr. Walnuts wrote:
Leading the march towards Sharia law. No amount of irony or hypocrisy will stem the flow (ex. Ted Cruz).
ever get tired of horny toads and fire flies you can come visit and I can tell you lies about water rights in LA.

oh, and take you out for "real" mex food
Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 09/03/2021 14:18 EST
    I’m in the UK, what’s up with Texas?  
Daycare Manager
Killer Scout

P: 09/03/2021 14:30 EST
    Questions to ask:

When does "life" begin?

What is "life"?

Why don't women have the basic human right to choose what they do with their body, despite varying opinions on when life begins and what constitutes the sanctity of life?

The first two questions can never have an answer and therefore any rule of law premised around what women can do and can't do with their body after us life-squirting men play a role in the process is simply absurd and misguided by emotional opinions and/or outdated moral principles that do not apply in a modern society.
Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 09/03/2021 15:12 EST
[SHS]Hitz wrote:
I’m in the UK, what’s up with Texas?
Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 09/03/2021 15:14 EST
    So, you guys are all in favour of murdering children? As well as wishing death on those who choose not to get the experimental jab? When did the liberal left start to revel in the death of others, whilst proclaiming to be the good guys?  
Super Regular
Shotgun Quick

P: 09/03/2021 15:53 EST
    They aren't blocking abortions. You just have to get one before 6 weeks or go to another state which allows them after that point in gestation.  
P: 09/03/2021 16:04 EST
Mr. Walnuts wrote:
Leading the march towards Sharia law. No amount of irony or hypocrisy will stem the flow (ex. Ted Cruz).

thanks. needed a good laugh
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Forums > Whiners Corner (Archives) > Texas!!!!!