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Never fucking forget!
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moose poop
Super Regular
Body Splatter

P: 09/13/2021 17:44 EST

Matt has a hard time seeing a complete picture; wonder if he will respond.
Super Regular
Shotgun Quick

P: 09/13/2021 18:36 EST
    Social security, Medicare and other human services are a growing share of government spending(insert "descending into socialism" here). Our military budget will always ebb and flow during times of war but it still pales in comparison to what we spend on social insurance programs which account for "more than two-thirds" of our spending.

We don't have true capitalism here, more like crony capitalism, and crony capitalism is only possible when government gets involved with the market. Green energy is a good example, green energy is the ultimate crony capitalism.
Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 09/13/2021 18:47 EST
E: 09/13/2021 18:49 EST
    WHY are we having "Times of War"? like wtf...you fucking gnomes can't figure it out...not you Matt, Not Moose, not any other rationale motherfuckers...like WHY? *Did us dropping atomic bombs on motherfuckers +not teach you a lesson for fucks sake....Let's get along and drink shitty beer together...FUCK...Oh and DS....Hi!  
moose poop
Super Regular
Body Splatter

P: 09/13/2021 19:10 EST
Matt_tfc wrote:
Social security, Medicare and other human services are a growing share of government spending(insert "descending into socialism" here). Our military budget will always ebb and flow during times of war but it still pales in comparison to what we spend on social insurance programs which account for "more than two-thirds" of our spending.

We don't have true capitalism here, more like crony capitalism, and crony capitalism is only possible when government gets involved with the market. Green energy is a good example, green energy is the ultimate crony capitalism.
Your argument of crony capitalism is odd in that you seem to think it only exists if the government is involved in the market. Do you truly believe that government in the last 75 years has not influence the market by both involvement and non-involvement?

You argue criminal behavior while L1N raises political, economic and equity arguments.

Where is the individual rights argument; where is the property and self determination argument. That accumulation of wealth and the right to pass it down is the bedrock of the American dream. But no, you argue criminal behavior.

"For as long as the consolidation of wealth and exploitation of labor continues unabated, the best America will do with socialism is wear it like a hat." Start with this one.

Argue the ability to change one's station. That market forces like unions provide balance to the other side of the equation.

Hell, be bold and say not everyone is meant to survive or flourish.

L1N is god-damn commie; tell him that that Trotshy world revolution bullshit is incompatible with protestant boot strapping culture. Anything, but not...oh they are crooks

He give you the judgmental..."They have not implemented anything of worth to wrest money or power from the 1%. They are inconsequential."

and you come back with: croney capitalism

Or here is a novel ideal, post multinationalism forces socialistic policies to either provide balance or placate the masses....you pick

needs of the one / needs of the many
Super Regular
Shotgun Quick

P: 09/13/2021 19:12 EST
    Military industrial complex. Bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki to intimidate the Soviet Union. *grabs a he'brew beer*  
Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 09/13/2021 19:32 EST
E: 09/13/2021 19:48 EST
    it kinda *settled that problem down in a heartbeat didn't it?

if we turned Afghanistan into a glass parking lot....where would the poppy come from?

Imma say this, cuz I don't give a fuck...FUCK a taliban...fuck everything they stand for and I hope all their mothers get goatraped....FOH!

EDIT....if I didn't have a felony conviction at 17....I'd be hunting taliban today....FUCK OFF!
Prolly not as good as Mexican Sniper or Bye Bye....but fuck you...stick your head up!
Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 09/14/2021 14:24 EST
    A good read https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/09/glenn-vogt...  
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Forums > Whiners Corner (Archives) > Never fucking forget!