 | Desantis rocks! no more squatters' rights in florida | |
American KGB Super Regular Burning Flag Defense
| P: | 03/30/2024 10:19 EST |
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Dude sees a problem and he manages to rally the legislature to solve it.
Georgia just enacted a similar change to put an end to this crap.
Good luck to you homeowners in New York and California. | |
American KGB Super Regular Burning Flag Defense
| P: | 04/01/2024 03:38 EST |
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Oh, and he put "the mouse" in his place, too. | |
[IOD]Snips Super Regular Speed Sniping Master
|  | P: | 04/01/2024 16:49 EST |
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I feel like I'm watching a sitcom or movie when I both read & watched dozens & dozens of squatter stories. Like it's too stupid to possibly be real & yet it is. People smashing a window into your home, changing your locks, print up a fake lease & then remaining for 3 to 18 months. Some people in NY upto 4years. Imagine leaving for Disneyland for a week and coming back to your $2 million home in CA to have someone else take over part of or your entire house. You MUST keep their electricity and water running, you can't simply turn that off too. You're basically paying the bills and waiting for YOUR TURN in the legal system for when you can go to court and go through the legal eviction process.
Then there's the other stories such as people occupying a part of land for 10 or 20 years unknown to the landlord, then that trespasser goes to court and takes over the entire land deed. Original land owner pays property taxes for decades and ultimately loses everything. You're fucked if you own raw land or housing and you fail to make regular inspections which is insane. Imagine if your car's ownership could be taken if you failed to drive it for a few weeks, or a theft showed proof he was operating your car more frequently then you & he deserves to own it instead. | |
[IOD]Snips Super Regular Speed Sniping Master
|  | P: | 04/01/2024 16:57 EST | E: | 04/01/2024 17:01 EST |
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Most of the news stories about squatters across America I watched were from Fox News, so I have to recognize that this has far right perspectives & a particular view on the subject. Where they're basically blaming immigration & refugees sneaking across our border and in need of housing, whereas we already have a housing crisis without them. Also previous politics setting up laws in place for covid where you didn't have to pay landlords for 2years. The moment you had to start paying again suddenly squatter problems skyrocketed. I have no idea if either of those are true. It's framed to make sense, but republicans blaming democrats on a paid for news outlet sounds like typical behavior. The democrats do the same on their shows.
Because squatting is a civil issue, the main problem is currently they can't let the police arrive at a scene where there are two different people yelling and let the officer decide on the spot. One person is handing the officer a deed & proof of ownership of the house, whereas the other person is showing a signed lease for rental. The officer says "my hands are tied! this is a court issue" and your turn infront of a judge might be as short as 2weeks or as long as 4 years. Typically 3-18 months across most states from what the local news videos have suggested. Remember, you the landlord have to pay for legal fees and continue to pay for the property + utilities while the thieves occupy in the meantime. Drug use & internal property damage is very common. Some squatters pour liquid cement down the drains before leaving if you fuck with them too much causing over $100k in damages.
The truly fucked up thing is there are actual terms coined "professional squatter" and "serial squatter" where people are learning and teaching others how to abuse the law in their own favor. Where desperate people in need of a home are learning these particular laws better than a lawyer.
I like the one guy in CA who is helping people fight back against squatters by offering to "move in with them". He comes to your area upon request, breaks in or lets himself into your squatter's problem house and sets up ring cameras alongside with the squatters. Basically squatting on the squatters, doing what they're doing but doing it on them, LOL. This should not be the long term solution however. Flordia's recent recognition of this problem & immediate solution is smart. Most people have no idea this is even a problem unless a shooting or major crime occurs in their own neighborhood, or if it happens to someone they know.
The laws are clearly written and enforced under the assumption that the strong majority of rentals are owned by the ultra rich which is not true. The majority are owned by a single homeowner or someone with 2-3 very small homes or residences just trying to make a living. Criminals are learning how easy it is to legally steal rent, steal appliances & cause property damage for months or years at a time. | |
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So is that how it works? It's based off a fake lease, and as you said, the cops say "court needs to decide, we can't do anything? I hear these stories and they just seem too hard to believe. It's crazy that you can't turn off the utilities until the courts decide. You can be damn sure the squatters won't pay a dime for their freeloading, especially in a blue state. The property owner will probably be told to check their privilege by a DEI judge.
The land thing sounds even more sinister. Like, how is that even possible? You're name is on the deed to the land, you're on the record paying property tax for years, the person who sold it to you can make a sworn statement saying they sold it to you... all it takes is for some schmuck to pitch a tent some place, claim squatters rights, then take over your property?
Probably the easiest solution for this is to have a registry with the county sheriff, I think they do evictions, regarding rental agreements and a list of properties that are tenantless.
Here in Israel, most renters sign the municipal property tax in their name while they rent. It didn't make sense to me as in the US most of the time the landlord pays the property tax and will adjust the rent accordingly. I suppose the advantage of this in Israel is if say someone had a second home (have to be really fucking rich for that) and some schmuck is squatting in it. The homeowner could show they are currently paying the property tax and then the onus is on the squatter to prove they have a claim to stay there. | |
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Dude.... don't even start about "property rights" in Israel...... | |
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American KGB Super Regular Burning Flag Defense
| P: | 04/02/2024 20:00 EST | E: | 04/02/2024 20:04 EST |
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In Georgia, prior to the brand new law (which I think is still awaiting the governor's signature) all a squatter had to do when the owner called the cops on 'em is "claim" they had a valid lease. I don't think they even had to produce an actual document. That was enough to kick the matter into the civil court lane, at which point the cops would leave and the owner was relegated to a long and arduous process through the civil courts.
Once the new law goes into effect, the squatter will have 3 days to produce lease documents. There will be a hearing at the magistrate court to review those documents within another 7 days.
The new law includes criminal charges for falsifying lease documents, criminal trespassing, and property damage.
The idea is to both speed up the eviction process and to saddle the squatter with potential criminal penalties. Time will tell how well it will work; it's certainly a step in the right direction.
Currently, it's been widely reported that there are well over a thousand properties in metro Atlanta occupied by squatters of one form or another.
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[IOD]Snips Super Regular Speed Sniping Master
|  | P: | 04/02/2024 21:46 EST |
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Well the most fucked up part is identity theft. So they eventually get a court summons, and owe all the rent up until then. Well if your squatter guy wrote down "Gordon Freeman" on his lease & the identity was fake. He doesn't show up to court & he steals all the home appliances before then. It's a hilariously stupid system. As if there are more evil landlords evicting paying tenants then there are home invasions, where the courts almost always side against the landlord by design.
As far as someone taking over the deed to the house and land yeah I'm finding this confusing as well. Some states its 5years and others as low as 3years, but some 20 years. I would be scared to rent out a room in a multi-million dollar home to the same person for 5 or 10 years for that risk, fuck that. Imagine going to court, losing and then asking your previous renter if you can rent from him in your previously owned house.
The one squatter was caught on film admitting that when the old lady owner dies the over $1million home is very likely going to become his property. He was a handyman who the old lady allowed to stay for a few days & has done his research to simply stay there.
Sex predator database is helpful & useful. But I want a national Squatter database complete with pictures & a state by state search. If that's too overwhelming for the viewer or too complicated to setup, at least give the public a repeat squatting offender picture database. | |
[IOD]Snips Super Regular Speed Sniping Master
|  | P: | 04/02/2024 21:50 EST |
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Do any of you have any recommendations for online background checks? Or eviction checks or credit checks?
All I see online are insanely "suspicious" services that look like the most obvious scams.
Hoping Gaba can give me a good real recommendation. | |
American KGB Super Regular Burning Flag Defense
| P: | 04/03/2024 00:07 EST |
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^^I have an ANTI recommendation (i.e. one to avoid) and that is BeenVerified.
I signed up for that, then ran a check on a guy I knew had just served 3 years for felony wire fraud, and the BeenVerified report did NOT include that little tidbit. Yet if you were to Google the guy's name, information about that wire fraud case is the first thing that comes (about half a dozen different times). | |
[IOD]Snips Super Regular Speed Sniping Master
|  | P: | 04/03/2024 01:47 EST |
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As the wheel graphics spin, the background check websites let you know how hard they're working on your request. Next they want to install web browser toolbars & 3rd party applications onto your computer. Finally they want to give you those results they worked on for a full 2minutes, but only after you give them your credit card, rofl yeah right pass. Yeah BeenVerified looked scammy & so do over a dozen other popular ones. | |
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OK - let me see if I understand this correctly ( - PLEASE - correct me where I am wrong)
The Earth was here before there were any Humans on this Earth right?
So that means that no Humans own any part of this Earth right?
So explain to me like I am a 5 year old why EVERY HUMAN on this Earth is not a squatter?
( - or - admit that you are a squatter too) | |
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 | Ignorant_Florist wrote: Dude.... don't even start about "property rights" in Israel...... |  | Hahaha! Iggy quick on the draw!
On that note. My wife's grandparents had something called, what roughly translates as "right of the key." They were supposed to be able to lease the house they were in until they died. The person who was registered as owning the land though was hellbent along with the city to bulldoze the house to build luxury apartment buildings. | |
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 | [IOD]Snips wrote: Do any of you have any recommendations for online background checks? Or eviction checks or credit checks?
All I see online are insanely "suspicious" services that look like the most obvious scams.
Hoping Gaba can give me a good real recommendation.
|  | Been Verified. In the past I have also used Intellius (sp?). Similar results. Used on tenants, scammers and people on d2f.
Most tenants don't have great credit scores. That's why they're renting. 600 is a good tenant credit score. I don't check credit scores. I instead require the maximum legal amount of cash up front and banking statement balances.
Are you also doing the landlord gig?
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Forums > Whiners Corner (Archives) > Desantis rocks! no more squatters' rights in florida |