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Our next president ... i dont care
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Super Regular
Speed Sniping

P: 06/01/2024 03:01 EST
    Our next president will be a selfish liar, attempting to acquire money, wealth & power behind closed doors. Of course by wealth & power I mean the ability to obtain money after leaving office too. I'm not voting like last time, I just don't care.

This is not a unique description of Biden or Trump. This is the way it's been and will be. Blame the design of the system and not the people.

Ultimately people seem to get caught up in a "personality" frenzy, where they've picked a team representing how they imagine the future getting brighter. Or a potential leader willing to take risks to reshape America in their shared vision. It's a delusionally beautiful idea, if only the real world worked like in the movies. You're NEVER going to get a president shoving bribes & side money away for the good of our country.

The wealthiest & most powerful people on earth are not presidents & are accountable to nobody as we do not know their identities. But people want to focus on someone to congratulate or to blame when the country experiences incredible or devastating events. "It was this president's fault, I was right!"

When you or someone you know is freaking out over someone becoming the next president ask yourself this next question. Have you freaked out over who the next Google CEO or Apple CEO was? When the largest & most powerful companies on earth have publicly expressed their visions of the future with AI changes, are you pouring over the internet gathering facts? After all these things are less manipulated and WILL affect your future. You will have to think for yourself & form opinions for yourself though. If you can't do that, then allowing the news to do that & hoping they're not being paid to manipulate you is the only option.

Too many people watch the news, echo the identical words of a high salary influencer on camera. And (if they're older) mistakenly assume a massive majority of the world watch cable tv news and not read their news on the internet. There are definitely 90 year olds alive today that assume 95% of the world get their news from a newspaper too. Factor in how the world operates & if you're doing something differently then take note of this.

Let's spend less time worrying about if manipulating tv news outlets are accurately describing the actions of a greedy selfish manipulating presidential candidate. While in the near future massive AI changes destroy millions of jobs & threaten human extinction, we're going to be discussing abortion and policy changes instead. The first trillionaires will arrive someday but people will be talking about wars on the other side of the world while the average household income across America enters poverty.
Super Regular
Evil Medic

P: 06/01/2024 03:07 EST
    We haven't had a president since Kennedy.  
Super Regular
Speed Sniping

P: 06/01/2024 03:20 EST
    I "might" care if politicians became hero's. This would require a complete redesign of the government however as the current design is evil. End the legal way to personally "get rich" is by becoming a policy maker at the expense of our nation.

By heroes, I mean a politician gets a set salary living in a modest housing neighborhood along with other politicians. Their communication all heavily monitored and they're not allowed to become millionaires. Strict wealth monitoring of friends and family for life are also set. By signing and agreeing to this way of life, they're dedicated to making decisions to help strengthen and improve the bodies and minds of America and not constantly tempted to line their own pockets.

We could build statues of politicians or put non-presidents on our money to honor them. If they're caught lying or being stupid for making too many mistakes, their status of being a hero is threatened and shame occurs. Remove money & wealth and perhaps honor and hero status could occur if politicians actually did what was best for America for the most part. Something many people mistakenly assume happens already.

A politician owning $100 million or $300 million on a $90,000 salary should be criminal today but isn't sadly. When the camera is off, the doors are closed - and they don't care if this is what's best for China or if human slavery is involved - the politician wants to know what stock tip or direct bribe is in it for them. Pour money into the left or right wing news outlet to convince the country this doesn't happen or distract them with something else when it clearly is.
Daycare Manager
Pipebomb Monkey

P: 06/01/2024 15:15 EST
Also, I submit the entire "Operation: Mindcrime" album....

P: 06/02/2024 12:04 EST
level1nobody wrote:
We haven't had a president since Kennedy.
Farther back
Super Regular
Crack-Powered Capper

P: 06/02/2024 16:05 EST
    I think what is really on the nose is how Michael Cohen confessed, under oath, in court, that embezzled money from Trump and nothing happened to him. Watch as the prosecution then plays the, "well, he's a convicted perjurer! How do we know he's telling the truth this time?" I saw a funny meme how nothing happens when presidents lie about going to a war but get tried and convicted for writing a legal expense as a legal expense.   
Super Regular
Evil Medic

P: 06/02/2024 16:32 EST
lil-bastard wrote:
level1nobody wrote:
We haven't had a president since Kennedy.
Farther back
We haven't had a president since John Hanson.
Super Regular
Speed Sniping

P: 06/03/2024 01:30 EST
    Let me ask you this.

Do you in all seriousness believe that justice in America is equal regardless of how much money you have vs don't have? Do you believe that a nobody or a big somebody will have an equal chance inside the legal system of our country? The answer is a loud no, the rich can hire a team of $2k an hour lawyers. There are insane injustices occurring off camera on a daily basis. The "but im shocked" comments by news viewers when politically relevant situations occur, especially on an election year continues to shock and awe the average citizen. They look at examples the news (paid advertisers) wants potential voters to gather their attention on & create emotional responses.

Again, it's broken by design where the rich & powerful get away with things that an average income with no savings family could never. This has been showcased countless times on tv shows & movies, not to mention the news over the last 30 years. This should NOT be a shock to people in 2024 but it still is for some reason.

Hell you look at Blizzard's World of Warcraft which is a PC game. Streamers on Twitch who were caught cheating over the years have shown their experiences which are completely different from non-streamers. Twitch gamers been given either a written warning or a 7 day ban by Blizzard, whereas a random player caught performing the same thing gets either 6 months or a permanent ban account closure. Such as gold buying/selling, or in-game exploits. If the camera is on the individual & thousands of people are likely angered, punishments can blowback on a company in this example. But the same blowbacks can be said about a company or a government in the real world too, which is why famous or big names get treated differently than average citizens too.
Super Regular
Speed Sniping

P: 06/03/2024 01:44 EST
    When looking at the actions of a president, company leader or some other big name that does something questionable. There are too many people view the world as "well I wouldn't do that, it's not the right thing" or "there is no honor in that & would bring shame to America".

The only two things leaders/ceo's care about is "was it legal by law" and "let's spin this to not hurt 'my' image or my company/country". Honor & morality are hazy moving goalines that are vastly different across not only country but state lines, further separated by different religions. Honor has been breed out of our society sadly, looking back it used to mean something. Feeling 'proud' to be an American and doing what felt right even when at a great sacrifice to yourself.

When I say "legal by law" of course, I mean can an army of the best lawyers money can by find loopholes in the law and twist a narrative for a favorable outcome. Playing dirty tricks & throwing enough money at a problem and what can be defined as "he's innocent" can become unthinkable. I swear there are people that assume there are only one tier of lawyers in the world & assume Apple or movie stars pay only $50 per hour to their lawyers.
Super Regular
Speed Sniping

P: 06/03/2024 02:01 EST
    We don't have a fair and just legal system or government.

We do NOT have an unbiased non-political neutral news platforms attempting to deliver facts. We have news organizations paid for to deliver politically relevant opinions in an attempt to persuade their audience that emotionally driven crimes or outrages need their attention and that by viewing their network they have a good grasp on what is going on globally. If it wasn't on the news, it wasn't important.

Are there cameras being snuck into the Cobalt mines mostly owned by China? Why isn't the entire fucking world angry at the largest numbers of human slavery happening? Hundreds of thousands of people in the pits with hand tools forced to work.
Oh it's because there's no money to be made making American citizens aware & eventually outraged. Shifting our attention to evil's that could be stopped will not help the democrats or republicans. It will not help obtain more wealth for the shareholders of the companies who own and operate the news organizations.

Watching the news & having strong opinions about Trump or Biden would be like me watching hours of stitched together Coca Cola commercials and forming an opinion about how happy Soda must make people. Just look at all the smiling cavity free thin people enjoying this ice cold beverage! News is paid advertising. When this shift was still occuring a decade ago it would've been fine to not understand this, but it's 2024 already.
Super Regular
WMD Creator

P: 06/03/2024 10:37 EST
level1nobody wrote:
lil-bastard wrote:
level1nobody wrote:
We haven't had a president since Kennedy.
Farther back
We haven't had a president since John Hanson.
We haven't had a drummer since Zac Hanson.
Super Regular
Speed Sniping

P: 06/05/2024 02:27 EST
    Doesn't matter if its people at the grocery store in front of you, blood relatives at Thanksgiving or even fellow gamers here in the forums. You WILL find extremely passionate people believing they know SO MUCH about something, and if you're willing to listen for a few minutes to their rant then they'll promise you'll be angry & on their side too!

I don't follow the news. But let's just pick charged topics news enthusiasts love to express their skilled knowledge of when they hear people on the news use suggestive wording to stir up their audience into getting angry or fearful.

"Hunter biden.... yada yada .. laptop! yada!"
"Trump bad.... yada yada .. guilty! yada!"

I personally don't care what you have to say about politics unless you're ex-cia or you worked at the white house. If you live without access to secret information & simply have an opinion based on what opinion reporters on CNN or FOX repeat for hours then I'll smile and grin, and walk away. Like even if you worked at the white house & had impressive clearance, I still might not really care to be honest. Knowing the unbiased truth about misdeeds and inappropriate actions by our legal system would not surprise me & I am not in control to change such things. To be listening to paid advertising misguide me all in an effort to "recruit" me towards a democrat or republican is so fucking stupid. It's like someone watching every possible Harry Potter movie or show for month after month & begin to look for the magical land where dragons fly & believing magic wands are real.

Getting excited to tell me that Hunter Biden got away with whatever!! Okay so democrats are evil?
Getting excited to tell me that Donald Trump got away with whatever!! Okay so republicans are evil?

I might as well watch soda commercials to see which flavor has the most people smiling the most in an effort to find happiness. Mostly just ranting because I'm seeing so many politically charged posts about recent news in these forums. All these gamers having such expressive feelings holding facts "FROM THE NEWS" as proof for their emotionally charged feelings.

The big decisions a president makes against the lives of Americans or even directly against americans lives are likely going to be secret & off camera. We're not lucky that a reporter on the opposite side has a hate piece about the other party playing on a loop as a piece of evidence why we should vote for the other selfish person. The news is entertainment, not unbiased fact checked truths showing the evils from both sides equally.
Super Regular
Speed Sniping

P: 06/05/2024 02:33 EST
    We live in a very short window where deep fakes are not here in their true ultimate form just yet. For the most part they require dozens of still images from different angles & the more you provide as a source for the rendering project the more realistic the deepfake outcome. One or more "programmers" or "artists" or whatever are needed & some time to make the short clip. You need to either stitch together different audio clips from that person OR hire an actor that has a similar voice. This requires a specialist, very little money, time & the final result isn't perfect yet in 2024. The need for a person to create this is going away, the time nearly instant and the final result becoming photorealistic will be here sooner than expected.

Soon enough though there'll be an app where this is automated & even relatives of the person you're imitating can't tell that the end result is a fake. When this day & age of ALL videos being untrustworthy & unreliable, where will this leave the news? There will be fake news stories attempting to go viral on a daily basis along with DEEPFAKES of celebrities & politicians doing comedy/porn/stunts in an effort for attention. As the big news companies of today struggle with the successful deepfake attention grabbers, they'll have no choice but to become comedy or switch tactics entirely from what they are today.

Perhaps only then will the majority of the country not believe everything somebody holding a microphone wearing a suit says with confidence as indisputable facts & truth. Of course we won't care about politics in that future because the age of crime will begin. No such thing as video evidence at a certain point, witness testimony only. Rape & home invasions where the criminals won't care if a few people pull out their smartphones to record their crime.
Super Regular
Evil Medic

P: 06/05/2024 03:01 EST
E: 06/05/2024 03:03 EST
[IOD]Snips wrote:
I personally don't care what you have to say about politics unless you're ex-cia or you worked at the white house. If you live without access to secret information & simply have an opinion based on what opinion reporters on CNN or FOX repeat for hours then I'll smile and grin, and walk away.
I don't know everything, but I've been increasingly more successful in finding people with very accurate bullshit detectors. Did they know absolutely that Hunter was guilty when the laptop news came out? No. Did they know right away that the efficacy of the vax would be so questionable? No. But they know suspicious behavior when they see it. And... they turned out to be right.

A healthy skepticism of power is all we need.

Republican... Democrat... That's old news. It's not R vs D. It's us vs them. Trust in people, not whatever propaganda the establishment dumps on us. Your neighbor is not your enemy.

P.S., I just noticed that you also do the empty HTML tags to properly space out your paragraphs. From a fellow nerd, ha!

EDIT: You put so much effort into your posts, I felt like someone should respond.
Super Regular
Evil Medic

P: 06/05/2024 03:08 EST
JiK MAZZ wrote:
level1nobody wrote:
lil-bastard wrote:

Farther back
We haven't had a president since John Hanson.
We haven't had a drummer since Zac Hanson.
We haven't had a drummer since Pete Best. (I dunno, I'm just saying stuff.)
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Forums > Whiners Corner (Archives) > Our next president ... i dont care