 | Our next president ... i dont care | |
[IOD]Snips Super Regular Speed Sniping Master
|  | P: | 06/05/2024 08:53 EST |
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Like what is true when it comes to a politician or celebrity being guilty of something? The "news" isn't going to stitch together an accurate answer. Things are withheld for national security or for celebrity status reasons. But even more common is being withheld to shift the image of R v D. Fox isn't anxious to cover accidents caused by republicans.
The efficacy of the vax is completely different as that's science where facts lead to provable outcomes. There is misinformation being dumped for political reasons, and even with airborne pandemics the scientific proof was there before covid-19 as neither side cared what size a virus is and what sized holes block it with the different mask types.
The bullshit detector is great when deciding personal stuff such as masking and vaccine for YOURSELF and not just following what's popular. But to attempt to find the unknowable such as the guilt of a ceo or politician. This is like saying you're confident you can prove the existence of god or bigfoot.
What do you mean by it's us vs them? It's actually company vs company, hidden behind smaller companies manipulating the optics of why people think things happen on a large scale. Intel, Microsoft, Apple, they don't give a crap about R vs D, they don't care about usa vs china. They care about the bottom line in what will make them the most money long-term & if doing what it takes will it hurt their image. I do appreciate your response, thank you. | |
level1nobody Super Regular Evil Medic
|  | P: | 06/05/2024 13:08 EST | E: | 06/05/2024 13:16 EST |
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RE: us vs them... https://imgur.com/gallery/pitchfork-vs-torch-wLjdrs2
You know they will always try to divide us. For instance, have you heard people use the joke acronym "LGBTCIA?" I believe it was when Occupy Wall Street started gaining traction that the "everyone's a bigot/everyone's a racist" culture war ramped up and took some heat off the elites.
That's true about the companies. It's why I usually refer to the powerful decision-makers in the world as the collective term "moneyed interests."
 | The bullshit detector is great when deciding personal stuff such as masking and vaccine for YOURSELF and not just following what's popular. But to attempt to find the unknowable such as the guilt of a ceo or politician. This is like saying you're confident you can prove the existence of god or bigfoot. |  | But deciding for yourself — when you either don't have all the facts or couldn't possibly be expected to know everything about a certain subject — is also on par with trying to prove the existence of god or bigfoot. Best we can do is educate ourselves and truly listen to what our guts are telling us.
It's not about knowing someone is guilty for sure. It's about pattern recognition and identifying indicators that people are lying. You don't know. You just do your best. I've made a lot of mistakes with political opinions in the past, but the people I follow now have been rock solid on practically everything. They're all — at least in some small capacity — journalists who don't have all the facts but have a staggering win-loss record in their field. | |
Mr. Walnuts Daycare Manager Pipey FlagCatcher
|  | P: | 06/05/2024 14:11 EST | E: | 06/05/2024 14:11 EST |
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 | The bullshit detector is great when deciding personal stuff such as masking and vaccine for YOURSELF and not just following what's popular. |  | This is pretty much indicative of this entire thread (and a number of others). Doing something to protect the public welfare is not bullshit, and its not a personal decision. But if you are going to be afraid of fucking science, I guess this is where it lands you.
From what I've read just on this thread, these things are also very frightening:
1. Anyone devoted to public service 2. Science. Oh, did I say that one already? sorry 3. The entire justice system 4. Entire races of people 5. Media (other than russian troll farm memes) 6. People with formal educations 7. Business leaders 8. Girl scouts selling cookies
Just don't go outside or turn on the TV</quote>
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You sweet summer child. The government's and sCiENcE's lies are being uncovered on TV in real time.
Anyway, the internet has a permanent memory and I've put enough effort into these threads to say "fuck it" and pass the baton to posterity, which will surely get a chuckle out of comments like yours. | |
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"Making up your own mind is the only true freedom you have." - line from Starship Troopers.
Who would have thought a Paul Verhoven movie that is absolute satire could be used as a life lesson.
That was NOT on my Bingo card for 2024. | |
Mr. Walnuts Daycare Manager Pipey FlagCatcher
|  | P: | 06/05/2024 16:09 EST |
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 | level1nobody wrote: You sweet summer child. The government's and sCiENcE's lies are being uncovered on TV in real time.
Anyway, the internet has a permanent memory and I've put enough effort into these threads to say "fuck it" and pass the baton to posterity, which will surely get a chuckle out of comments like yours. |  | BOO!
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 | Ignorant_Florist wrote: "Making up your own mind is the only true freedom you have." - line from Starship Troopers.
Who would have thought a Paul Verhoven movie that is absolute satire could be used as a life lesson.
That was NOT on my Bingo card for 2024. |  | What makes satire fun is when it has some truth to it. When you look at it and go "is this shit real?"
The satirical lines are blurry these days, and I love it. | |
[IOD]Snips Super Regular Speed Sniping Master
|  | P: | 06/06/2024 02:10 EST |
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level1nobody, even the "us vs them" doesn't make sense to me. It's not even the "rich vs poor". But rather the "rich vs rich" obtaining more power & privilege at the expense of lives in every country across the world. An oil giant isn't super happy that a solar power giant is getting rich, that's his enemy/competition - basically he'll lose money if his competition gain traction in the world by people switching to alternatives. Sure the super rich could never possibly spend all the money they have within their lifetime, but they're helping to shape a government/legal system where they'll obtain more money at an accelerated rate over the next decades. Imagine you have a little brother or sister. And you tell them: "You have to pick which one of my two chores you'd rather do: mow the lawn OR sweep the floor." before the younger sibling has a chance to realize the chore is not theirs & there is an alternative argument to be made, you quickly say: "The sun is hot & the lawn mower is dangerous. The sweeping can be done quickly as the room is small." Now the younger child's attention is switched to attempting to identify which option is the lesser of the two evils or options.
This is basically voting for a president. It's 2024 and many Americans can still afford a vacation, haven't been forced to sell their home, are not living on food stamps and forced to commit light crimes on the sides to put bread on the table. The world's richest people are not trillionaires yet either. The current system of bribing politicians to pass laws or look the other way to improve companies & accelerate the wealth gap over the next 10-20 years will ensure a truly shitty American lifestyle and a few trillionaires to rise to the top.
If the system of government was completely changed benefiting the people and not companies or wealthy individuals then I'd totally vote to change the entire system. But it's currently setup so that no matter which president you vote for you're assisting in the slow destruction of America under the illusion that your news watching has picked the hero and not the villain. | |
[IOD]Snips Super Regular Speed Sniping Master
|  | P: | 06/06/2024 02:19 EST |
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There is deciding for yourself when complete facts are knowable. Deciding why the sky is blue is proveable by understanding science. What a mask does against water droplets in a room is proveable. Hearing nonsense about a politician on a politically funded news network is literally garbage information. You're not going to uncover "the actual truth" by watching more and more news. Some of you seriously think that the news is attempting to deliver the good AND the bad for both the democratic and republican sides. Revealing the actual truth would hurt the news companies stock prices & if both sides had lied in the past about something this would further make the public trust the news even less. People think they want the truth, but they want a great version of the truth. The news wants to identify what YOU would like the truth to be - the feeling you get when "a truth" is presented that sounds comfortable & tolerable. If this helps the culture of our country accept the future that the owners of the news companies want to benefit the other companies that they own then great! Owning a news network is a bad investment for making money. However, the influential power behind it is the real prize. Hundred million dollar company changing the hearts and minds of millions increasing certain stock prices by billions is a GREAT investment. This is the purpose of the news.
There is a HUGE list of unprovable and unknowable things, and this tends to terrify & scare large sections of the population. Politically charged people and highly religious people in particular. In having an answer for every possible unknowable thing, they feel comforted and have no need to seek out the truth through science or education. I'm fine not knowing what happens after we die, I'm fine not being able to identify where consciousness is inside the brain, I'm fine we don't yet understand the 4th dimensional shape of the universe. Questions make me curious.
Attempting to prove bullshit in an attempt to fill in unknowable answers is just too insane though, which is mostly politics.
There are literally tens of millions of Americans that raise their hands with pure determination that they love or hate a current or past president, and are confident they know 95-100% of everything that was done during their term which is just sad. People need to watch the news & identify when sentences are crafted in an attempt to engage the viewers with an emotional response to opinions presented as facts. Figure out if something is even possible to figure out before becoming an expert in fiction. | |
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I don't know if we've had a great, generational leader since FDR. I'm partial to Harry Truman, he was blunt for a president, and serious cajones. Korean war tho :/ | |
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 | Deciding why the sky is blue is proveable by understanding science
|  | If I recall correctly, the scattering of e/m radiation in the atmosphere is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the wave length.
Red e/m radiation is less energetic and therefore has a longer wavelength.
Blue light has higher energy and a higher frequency (and a subsequently smaller wavelength and therefore doesn't scatter as much).
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It's tough to argue the sky has any color. The sky is not blue, the sky is a filter that filters out red light and allows in blue. | |
level1nobody Super Regular Evil Medic
|  | P: | 06/06/2024 09:22 EST | E: | 06/06/2024 09:32 EST |
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Snips, you type so, so many words. I'm not sure what we're arguing about anymore or if we're even arguing. My brain is now mush. Brevity, sir. Please. My points:
1) Us vs them: I didn't think this was remotely controversial. Or maybe I wasn't clear. I just meant a vertical separation between "us" and "them" (elites vs plebes) not a lateral one like R vs D. "Us" is all of us here who don't have the ear of national-level politicians. "Them" is Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates, among others.
2) We don't need to deconstruct the concept of bullshit down to the subatomic level. All I (think I) said was there are clever people out there who can tell when they're being fed bullshit. And in the end, they wind up being ahead of the curve in getting to the real truth. | |
[IOD]Snips Super Regular Speed Sniping Master
|  | P: | 06/07/2024 02:13 EST |
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 | EmotionallyDisturbedParakeet wrote: It's tough to argue the sky has any color. The sky is not blue, the sky is a filter that filters out red light and allows in blue. |  | Yeah Gaba I just meant statements through science can be fact checked with experiments carried out such as the color of the sky.
When global events occurring through secrecy and under the umbrella of national security has details the general public will never know about, the angry news viewers are quick to point the fingers claiming they have every fact and know exactly what each president is doing. Arriving at an accurate state of reality when the core critical details are with-held is pointless. | |
[IOD]Snips Super Regular Speed Sniping Master
|  | P: | 06/07/2024 02:28 EST |
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 | level1nobody wrote: Snips, you type so, so many words. I'm not sure what we're arguing about anymore or if we're even arguing. My brain is now mush. Brevity, sir. Please. My points:
1) Us vs them: I didn't think this was remotely controversial. Or maybe I wasn't clear. I just meant a vertical separation between "us" and "them" (elites vs plebes) not a lateral one like R vs D. "Us" is all of us here who don't have the ear of national-level politicians. "Them" is Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates, among others. |  | I think you're confusing the hierarchical way of the world. The triangle of power is NOT: President Politicians More Politicians CIA/FBI/NSA And finally people think at the bottom are the CEO's of companies running AI farms larger than a dozen Costcos or airports. The CEO of tech companies collecting more meta data, customer shopping/travel/eating habits. Gathering so much "not-specific-to-one-person" spy data on the entire invisible culture ecosystem of every country on earth. The CEO's of Facebook, Apple or Google know so much more about how to not only "guess near 100%" what a population would do, but more importantly how to make tiny changes to execute a desired outcome. These people contain the monitoring power & analytical resources to execute world changing decisions, and the richest people on earth abuse this power. They don't ignore it or wait for another rich person to acknowledge it's potential. Microsoft didn't make windows10 a free upgrade out of the goodness of their heart years back, they did it to start the first data harvesting spyware operating system designed to grab non-user specific information as that's MUCH more valuable then $125 every 5 years.
The 80 year old men tripping down ramps and stumbling out of cars confused are known as Trump or Biden are not at the top of decision making. Presidents are like the pilot of a self flying airplane so that the grandmas are willing to fly. If they saw nobody behind the wheel they'd sail or drive instead.
I wouldn't be surprised to learn the US President has secret meetings with the largest tech industry leaders on a regular basis, mostly steering the president in a direction that ensures that they obtain more wealth during his term in exchange for helping the president not be too much of an embarrassment having the lack of awareness in their technology toolkit.
 | level1nobody wrote: 2) We don't need to deconstruct the concept of bullshit down to the subatomic level. All I (think I) said was there are clever people out there who can tell when they're being fed bullshit. And in the end, they wind up being ahead of the curve in getting to the real truth. |  | The problem is the truth behind topics that have so much top secret, high clearance, or national security secrecy locked away means the truth is unobtainable. And thus an accurate description of the reality in politics is impossible to obtain.
This would be like saying you have identified clever people who can tell when they're being fed bullshit and are on track to finding the location that god is currently hiding at. A group of people that have ended up being ahead of the curve in getting to the real truth are getting closer to disproving thousands of false religions. You see, it wouldn't matter how smart they are, because such a goal is impossible. The truth is not hiding in plain sight waiting to be uncovered.
You can't have incredible instincts, shifting through narratives designed to sway voters, hiding the majority of facts that are all classified, and somehow arrive at the actual truth. The truth was hidden to protect US assets (spys), US political power, truth was hidden as instructed by our secretive three letter agencies, or it was hidden by both democrats & republicans as it hurts both parties and thus the credibility of the news.
The disgusting "truth" for most topics in politics I suspect are either boring OR extremely complex. Most truthful crimes in politics likely have things that really hurt the democrats AND republicans and so neither side wants to shine a light on topics that hurt their party.
Cobalt mining is a great example, we don't want to massively tax Samsung/Apple and every smartphone maker in the world to end human slavery & suffering. We don't want to end electric cars on the spot and blame every US President that has allowed this to grow from both sides the past 20 years. Both sides lose, the biggest tech companies suffer. Instead we say cobalt mining is not news, its not hurting Americans only hundreds of thousands of other people. While we pass laws & shape a future where this cobalt resource demand is set to grow likely leading millions into slavery soon. $5 for 12hours of labor to the 11 year old working with hand tools is disgusting. Meanwhile Nvidia just passed Apple and is now worth over $3 trillion. | |
Forums > Whiners Corner (Archives) > Our next president ... i dont care |