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Seriously, drippy?
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P: 06/09/2024 20:32 EST
    You ban me again, yet you have a fucker saying the N-word and don't do anything about it.   
Super Regular
WMD Creator

P: 06/10/2024 09:07 EST
E: 06/10/2024 09:08 EST
    If you get mad at Drippy you're not gonna help the situation airing it out on the forums or in the server. You gotta keep your head down and your mouth shut, and take it out on your wife and children like the rest of us! ;)  
Super Regular
Crack-Powered Capper

P: 06/10/2024 10:00 EST

Bro, you were in that epic match when we sweeped blue, or was it red? Game went 100 to 0. I think the best thing was fragging angi while she was typing a response to my trash talk. That was in light of her walking into my gas nades in front of the basement resup. Maybe that eas the beat thing. Then she accused me of spamming the spawn. Bitch, please, basement resup is not the spawn. It was either that game or another where you had like a 25 kill streak as HW. I recorded that one.

Super Regular
Rocket Jumping

P: 06/10/2024 10:45 EST
    What did you do this time? Post the videos. #pluckthecock  
Super Regular
Dizzy Capper

P: 06/10/2024 11:30 EST
JiK MAZZ wrote:
…You gotta keep your head down and your mouth shut, and take it out on your wife and children like the rest of us! ;)
Poetic and brilliant.
Super Regular
Shotgun Quick

P: 06/10/2024 12:19 EST
___rOOsTeR__cOcKbUrN___ wrote:
You ban me again, yet you have a fucker saying the N-word and don't do anything about it.
You are on a “shit list” most likely. Like Ralph’s AI will auto ban you for key trigger words I assume based on how others have been banned randomly when drippy wasn’t on or who knows maybe he did it and logged off. Also think being a regular outs you in direct crosshairs. Like the guy that was spamming the n word and spamming mic for music that was the n word (I sent a report) probably would have been banned but it’s easier (and maybe more satisfying for the lulz) to go after a regular than someone who barely plays. Same thing happened with some dude after you got banned was saying quake Tfc was better and was doing things that would get any regular banned but nothing happened to him at all. I’m sure if he was a regular he would have been banned in an instant. Also I could be wrong on everything and I like to snort chili powder when I want a spicy food fix.
Unreasonable Dictator
Hot Roasted
Sniper Delivery

P: 06/10/2024 12:25 EST
    whiner bans increase over time and rooster hit the 1 day ban for them.

and yet still whines...
Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 06/10/2024 13:42 EST
E: 06/10/2024 13:42 EST
    When will you fuckers learn drippy hates us all and does not play favorites. I mean some of us he hates more than others so in a sense he has people that are his favorites, but he still hates those people as well.  
Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 06/10/2024 17:20 EST
    I wonder if Drippy wants us all banned so he can close the server down and have done with it. He doesn't play anymore so it's nothing but a ball-ache for him, I presume?

Super Regular
Spaz Sniper

P: 06/10/2024 21:32 EST
    God damnit Cock, again?   
Super Regular
Evil Medic

P: 06/11/2024 06:14 EST
    Stop being a whiny little bitch and you won't have problems.  
Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 06/11/2024 10:10 EST
[SHS]Hitz wrote:
I wonder if Drippy wants us all banned so he can close the server down and have done with it. He doesn't play anymore so it's nothing but a ball-ache for him, I presume?

What is stopping him from just doing that anyways?

You losers will find something else to do and complain about.
Daycare Manager
Killer Scout

P: 06/11/2024 10:44 EST
    Like he said,!whiner reports are staggered and build up to full-on kick or ban.

Whining in public chat is a good way to get !whinered. If you're going to whine, best do it in teamchat.
Super Regular
WMD Creator

P: 06/11/2024 11:06 EST
    Does the whine counter ever reset or does it build over the course of years? Even speeding points fall off your driver's license after 2-3 years... :)  
Super Regular
Evil Medic

P: 06/11/2024 15:51 EST
    It never resets. Mine's on one day as well and it triggers when I say something about Mexicans lol  
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Forums > Whiners Corner (Archives) > Seriously, drippy?