 | Competition? | |
XenOz3r0xT Super Regular Shotgun Quick Draw
| P: | 06/15/2024 17:48 EST |
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Did not know there was another NYC based server. Although I boot TFC from the favorite server tab when I boot Steam. I wonder how the server is and if anyone plays there? Dude seems to have advertised it a few times based on his Reddit account (and maybe have pissed off the people playing at 1999 too?) so I’m guessing not much traffic?
https://www.reddit.com/r/teamfortressclassic/s/OvDIlNEfRE | |
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Have seen other servers pop up over the years, including by members of this community, never seems to catch on.
I joined their discord though, see if anyone plays. | |
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Typical TFC conversation in there where people start talking about bhop and how bhop is a skill that people can learn ... Obviously said but players who do not frequent pub servers nor understand the vast difference in skill or factoring in people playing just for fun. Also, "prog metal guy" - I wouldn't want to play there based on his name alone. Probably whacks off to Dream Theater and Symphony X | |
JiK MAZZ Super Regular WMD Creator
|  | P: | 06/17/2024 16:37 EST |
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If you first learn how to bhop in 2024 it's evidence you have nothing else of value going on in your life. You're not 13 anymore. Bhopping won't make you feel like a 1337 h4x0r. Just play with other mediocre pub rats like me. | |
Backalleybuttlove Super Regular Crack-Powered Capper
| P: | 06/18/2024 15:18 EST | E: | 06/18/2024 15:22 EST |
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^I need to make a video of me doing what I think is bhopping. I think it's sort of sad I've been playing valve games for 20 years but never figured out bhopping if I am in fact not actually doing it.
I've never seen anyone on the TFC reloaded server. The post is 3 days old. Looks like that ktrain or krain server, the one that has the big fish from half-life in the moat, isn't up. It looks like 1999 TFC is stiff competition for drippy's. I like the chaos on there but I still think 2fort on drippy's plays better. | |
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Unbind W + mwheel jump and practice,or pay me 50$ I teach u :) | |
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Wouldn't unbind w disable forward movement? Or would that be the whole point to force me to master bhopping. I think ideally I would want to do it without the mwheel jump trick. Is the idea behind that that you spam the game with jump commands so that you can perfectly time it such that you get the bhop? I hear it is possible just using space but very hard. | |
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That's the point. You don't want to leave it off permanently as you lose ability to wallstrafe, but, in theory you ought to be able to play using strafe keys and a jump buffer/spam mwheel without forward key. | |
XenOz3r0xT Super Regular Shotgun Quick Draw
| P: | 06/19/2024 13:57 EST |
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You need to match the commands to your rate and ping and fps and stuff. I think mostly fps. Too many commands and your player will stall. Too little and the timing is off. If anything use this metric. When you jump and land, you hear like a semi thud or something. You are supposed to jump before you hit that sound so count in your head how many milliseconds it takes from you pressing whatever jump is till you land and hear the sound. That’s why those scripts exist to spam jump before you land to get the timing but like I said you need to find the right amount of jump commands to use otherwise you stall out. | |
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Are these scripts critical? I think I'll have to relearn trying to jump with mwheel... 20 some years of fps gaming with spacebar as jump is going to be hard to unlearn. I'm wondering if you can use the same mwheel scripts with spacebar. | |
XenOz3r0xT Super Regular Shotgun Quick Draw
| P: | 06/19/2024 16:00 EST |
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You can. Before I had reinstalled TFC after SteamCloud fucked up my game, I was using mwheelup, mwheeldown, and space as purely +jump. Now that I loaded a backup I had saved on my external HDD, I have the script cause I’m too lazy to rebind my configuration (I still have to make configs for the other classes and I always say I’m going to but I never do but I should). For me it is just as fine to use +jump due to my ping so YMMV depending on yours. Just keep in kind depending on your mouse wheel, you may not want to go full autist on it to spam the command cause you can still flood your player and stall out. | |
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 | Backalleybuttlove wrote: Are these scripts critical? I think I'll have to relearn trying to jump with mwheel... 20 some years of fps gaming with spacebar as jump is going to be hard to unlearn. I'm wondering if you can use the same mwheel scripts with spacebar. |  | I use space bar not mwheel so I can shoot while moving.
Bhop doesn’t really help you go faster on drippy’s, but it allows you to zig zag while displacement similar distances versus moving in a straight line.
In others servers you’ll be like, well shit this is fun. | |
[IOD]Snips Super Regular Speed Sniping Master
|  | P: | 06/20/2024 02:25 EST |
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 | Backalleybuttlove wrote: ^I need to make a video of me doing what I think is bhopping. I think it's sort of sad I've been playing valve games for 20 years but never figured out bhopping if I am in fact not actually doing it.
I've never seen anyone on the TFC reloaded server. The post is 3 days old. Looks like that ktrain or krain server, the one that has the big fish from half-life in the moat, isn't up. It looks like 1999 TFC is stiff competition for drippy's. I like the chaos on there but I still think 2fort on drippy's plays better. |  | If you're not sure if your bhopping correctly, see if you can keep up with others on a pub server as they're bhopping. There is a massive difference on other servers. Do not practice learning to bhopping faster on Drippys because the bonus is so small, thus the advantage letting you know if you're doing it right won't be there consistently. | |
[IOD]Snips Super Regular Speed Sniping Master
|  | P: | 06/20/2024 02:32 EST |
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 | XenOz3r0xT wrote: You need to match the commands to your rate and ping and fps and stuff. I think mostly fps. Too many commands and your player will stall. Too little and the timing is off. If anything use this metric. When you jump and land, you hear like a semi thud or something. You are supposed to jump before you hit that sound so count in your head how many milliseconds it takes from you pressing whatever jump is till you land and hear the sound. That’s why those scripts exist to spam jump before you land to get the timing but like I said you need to find the right amount of jump commands to use otherwise you stall out. |  | This sparks an internal question I've had but never asked before. My current gaming monitor is only 120hz, and my computer is capable of 600fps consistently.
I noticed even when setting fps_max to 360, the bhop script fucks up too much missing jumps & when I instead cap it to 120 fps it is flawless with bhopping. Have any gamers here with 360hz monitors or even much higher displays found that bhopping was great at 360fps or higher? Same thing with clipping on odd angled walls when falling down, the character gets "sticky" when the fps is too high. On the map badlands & many others this sucks with very high fps. I had assumed these problems were related to a fps & monitor hz mismatch or possibly some exact fps limitation within the source engine.
Would suck to invest money into a 360hz or higher gaming display if I had to cap the non-sniper action to something like 120fps in tfc. hh concs don't work properly when the fps is too high too. I'm wondering if there are specific numbered caps for fps, or if with a fast enough monitor hz it would work better maybe? | |
Forums > Whiners Corner (Archives) > Competition? |