| Competition? | |
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| Gamers obviously perform better with faster updates in-between frames.
| | That's not a very good thesis for a proper study snips. :D
| It's basically a perceivable increase in resolution when motion is involved not to mention a direct increase in time for the slow human brains reaction time.
| | Is it as simple and linear as "More is better?" As evidenced by what? A higher K:D? Maybe each individual has a particular 'optimized' frequency, sorta like tuned to each person's nervous system.
I see I will have to defend my honor look we all get a laugh at my expense hehe but like I say stuff like "I'm a serial killer" and the funny thing about that is ya'll think I'm joking lol I'ma find where you all live and hunt you when you poop
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| [IOD]Snips wrote:
| XenOz3r0xT wrote: I rather this turn into a I hate gaba thread than talking about monitors you nerds. | | Gay is overused & stems from insecurities about oneself, or worse yet expressing being "uncomfortable" around a certain sex/religion/race. Insult Gaba's intelligence, mood, health, call him poor or pick something. Here I'll start & call Gaba overweight, I have no idea & maybe Gaba is thin!
Fat Gaba Does the earthquake event occur when you enter a room? When people talk about inflation do you look at them as if they're talking about your waistline?
Jabba the Hutt from Star Wars is Gaba.
Gaba are you wide or ultrawide? They keep making belts longer every year, just like all these computer monitors!
Gaba, to you is the Heavy weapons guy just a weapons guy?
It must be nice riding the 2fort elevator, without having to check the maximum weight lift capacity sign like in real life.
The only thing on 2fort that startles Gaba is when looking down him having the ability to see his own characters boots.
Gaba counts the steps of his game character running and calls that his exercise.
The movie "The Whale" reminds you of your thinner days. It's your fault Sizzler went out of business.
Gaba can only get through twin double doors & even then he's door blocking in real life.
One small step for man would've been one fucking deep impression for Gaba even without gravity. | | This actually hurt my feelings. Here's an excerpt from a cathartic e-mail convo I had with drippy about it:
| "It’s really unfortunate to see such a post filled with body-shaming and personal attacks. Everyone deserves respect and kindness, regardless of their appearance or size. Making fun of someone based on their physical attributes is hurtful and unkind.
Gaba, you don't deserve this kind of treatment. Your worth is not determined by your weight or appearance but by the person you are inside. Remember, the words and actions of others reflect on them, not on you. It's important to surround yourself with positivity and support, and not let the negativity of others bring you down.
To the person who wrote this post, I encourage you to reflect on why you feel the need to bring someone else down in this way. Words can cause real harm, and it’s crucial to choose them wisely. Instead of spreading negativity, try to understand and empathize with others. We all have our struggles, and kindness can go a long way in making the world a better place for everyone.
Remember, responding with dignity and composure shows strength and resilience. It’s not about stooping to their level but about rising above it and demonstrating the power of kindness and respect. | |
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| Remember, responding with dignity and composure shows strength and resilience. It’s not about stooping to their level but about rising above it and demonstrating the power of kindness and respect.
| | have sex with their family members | |
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Oh wait, we aren't hijacking the monitors thread, we were actually hijacking a 'how gay is gaba' thread, with talk about monitors.
So actual posts became shit posts in a sense.
Time is a flat circle. | |
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| I'd be curious from Spoofer if he knows more in depth what happens to the half-life source engine
| | He's memorized every line of code he's ever seen, and he's seen at least 24 that I'm aware of and that sounds like a lot. | |
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| [IOD]Snips wrote:
| And if you have two monitors with VERY different resolutions/refresh rates? | | To view or change your displays refresh rate (hz) on windows 10 right click your desktop > Display Settings > Advanced Display Settings
Choose which display from the dropdown menu and take note of the refresh rate per display, typically set as high as it allows. For gaming you'll want it as high as the monitor allows.
Also note that for amd & nvidia video cards it's extra taxing to run two or more monitors for gaming. So putting a different game onto each screen OR dragging a single windowed game to display part of the game on one screen & part on the other is extra demanding processing wise on the GPU.
Can connect 2-3 (or more) monitors with a mouse, but using seperate computers easily If you want two monitors, operate two different computers each with their own monitor right next to each other. Download a program called Multiplicity & through your home network it allows you to move your mouse from the one desktop onto the other desktop with a single mouse and keyboard! Keep moving the mouse to the right of your left monitor and it will jump onto the other computer's monitor, feeling as if it's all a single pc.
I was using it forever when I used to multibox 40 hunters in World of Warcraft to watch youtube/movies on the other display easily. I love how you can just right click copy or cut a file on the one computer, slide your mouse to the other monitor & paste that file onto the other computer too.
If you're streaming or gaming, it's nice to offload processes to a different machine as computers are so cheap.
https://www.stardock.com/products/multiplicity/ | | To be fair, my PC seems to be able to handle streaming to YouTube on the "TV" monitor, and a game on the main monitor (gaming monitor) without any trouble. The only other thing I'd be tempted to do that would push the system would be to have music videos running on the second monitor and a game on the main. But, I don't have enough memory for that, anyway (remember, I lost a memory stick when the thing blew up on me a few years ago).
Affording a new PC is out of the question, as we're barely staying afloat right now. Katina is looking for another job that pays more... but no luck so far. Plus, I would need to mirror the boot drive in this one (I have a friend who can do that in a couple of hours)... and I keep forgetting to head down his house to do that. I've still got the 1TB drive someone sent me to replace the boot drive in here, and it's designated for that purpose.
I really should do that. | |
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| EmotionallyDisturbedParakeet wrote: Time is a flat circle. | | No, it isn't. It's a big ball of wibbley-wobbley, timey-whimey..... stuff. | |
[IOD]Snips Super Regular Speed Sniping Master
| | P: | 06/25/2024 19:41 EST |
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| EmotionallyDisturbedParakeet wrote:
| Gamers obviously perform better with faster updates in-between frames.
| | That's not a very good thesis for a proper study snips. :D
| It's basically a perceivable increase in resolution when motion is involved not to mention a direct increase in time for the slow human brains reaction time.
| | Is it as simple and linear as "More is better?" As evidenced by what? A higher K:D? Maybe each individual has a particular 'optimized' frequency, sorta like tuned to each person's nervous system.
I see I will have to defend my honor look we all get a laugh at my expense hehe but like I say stuff like "I'm a serial killer" and the funny thing about that is ya'll think I'm joking lol I'ma find where you all live and hunt you when you poop
| | You can reverse this and ask if there's any evidence gamers perform better at resolution of 1080p instead of playing at 640x480 like in 1997. Or push it further to 320x240 for quake & doom.
A non-moving image has an obvious resolution difference in sharpness, the higher hz displays only reflect the increase in clarity when high motion is involved. The world is full of idiots playing the game on these incredible displays at 40fps or configuring their graphics card or windows directly wrong too.
No there is no optimized frequency tuned to a persons nervous system for hz or fps, just like 720p is not the biologically perfect resolution for a certain individual.
If you're asking reddit, quora, or youtube about fps you're asking adult retards, no offense. Youtube is filled with mouth breathers showing a 1080p vs 2160p(4k) movies side by side comparisons saying there's no difference, as the video was rendered on a 720p stream. Then going on to talk about hz or fps incorrectly.
This isn't hard to understand at all. More pixels = sharper image. Newer technologies = smaller pixels (micro-led, quantum led). Faster pixels = less ghosting(crosstalk) in-between frames. Higher hz = butter smooth like movements with the changes in motion arriving to your brain a little faster than others.
Yes research has been done, and there's a reason the eSports leagues use the highest hz displays for even slower games like World of Warcraft, let alone overwatch/counterstrike.
Gaba you're clearly trolling which I suspected from the start, fueled by Xen's request to stop talking about monitors. I'm sorry Xen I'll stop talking about monitors in this thread now. I disagree Gaba is gay, but he's an idiot in this thread. Except.... and this really pisses me off, was his amazing tip about the bhop at higher fps stance... was the biggest gaming tip I've read in years. I'm still thankful to the fat Gaba. Thank you too Xen about the great info too. | |
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To answer your inquiries in order: I’m not trolling you’re wrong you’re welcome fuck you I’ve heard better arguments from a girl that wanted it.
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I used to be addicted to soap.
I’m clean now. | |
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"3% Better Aim 27inch QHD display NVIDIA® researchers found that when taking shots at small targets, using a 1440p 27-inch display can improve aim by up to 3% compared to playing on a traditional 1080p 25-inch display. For competitive gamers, that 3% could mean the difference between victory and defeat."
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| #include "FPS.h" #include "Defines.h" #include <mmsystem.h> #include "Camera.h" #include <windows.h> #include "Render.h" #include "NTGLAPI.h"
extern std::ofstream trace; extern HWND hWnd; extern unsigned int base; extern NTGLAPI *gpNTGLAPI;
/* -Simple class which keeps track of time passed to time based movement and frame rate Originally implemented with timeGetTime, but I wasn't satisfied with its accuracy */
void FPS_t::Start() { LARGE_INTEGER a; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&a); tickspersec = a.QuadPart; //this cannot change while system is running //can fark up on multiprocessor system due to bugs in bios //but shouldn't usually matter
QueryPerformanceCounter(&a); //initialize number of system ticks at last frame to this StartupTickCount = a.QuadPart; LastUpdateTickCount = StartupTickCount; lastframesticks = a.QuadPart; frames = 0; unsigned int time = timeGetTime(); // LastTimeBufferSwapped = time; LastTimeBufferSwapped = 0.0f; CurrentTime = time; LastTickTime = a.QuadPart; secondpassed = false; }
void FPS_t::TEST_DAM_START_GETTIME() { DamTimeStartGetTime = timeGetTime(); }
void FPS_t::TEST_DAM_END_GETTIME() { DamTimeEndGetTime = timeGetTime(); }
float FPS_t::TEST_DAM_TO_SECONDS_GETTIME() { return (DamTimeEndGetTime - DamTimeStartGetTime) * .001; }
void FPS_t::TEST_DAM_START() { QueryPerformanceCounter(&DamTimeStart); }
void FPS_t::TEST_DAM_END() { QueryPerformanceCounter(&DamTimeEnd); }
float FPS_t::TEST_DAM_TO_SECONDS() { unsigned int tickdiff = DamTimeEnd.QuadPart - DamTimeStart.QuadPart; float timefrac = tickdiff * (1/(float)tickspersec); return timefrac; }
float FPS_t::GetSecondsSinceLastFrame() { LARGE_INTEGER LI; QueryPerformanceCounter(&LI); unsigned int tickdiff = LI.QuadPart - lastframesticks; float timefrac = tickdiff * (1/(float)tickspersec); return timefrac; }
/* -This essentially returns the number of seconds since startup -EDIT: this isn't working, and I think it is because it continuously overflows (incredibly large number of ticks) */ float FPS_t::FPS_GETTIME() { LARGE_INTEGER LI; QueryPerformanceCounter(&LI); LONGLONG tickdiff = LI.QuadPart-StartupTickCount;
float secs = tickdiff * (1/(float)tickspersec); return secs; }
void FPS_t::UpdateFPS() { ++frames; CurrentTime = timeGetTime(); LARGE_INTEGER a; QueryPerformanceCounter(&a); //current number of ticks
unsigned int b = a.QuadPart; //ticks for this frame LONGLONG tickdiff = b-LastUpdateTickCount; mTimeFrac = tickdiff * (1/(float)tickspersec); LastUpdateTickCount = a.QuadPart; if(b - LastTickTime >= tickspersec) //if a second has passed then update FPS info { secondpassed = 1; LastTickTime = b; sprintf(display, "FPS: %d", (int)frames); // SetWindowText(gpNTGLAPI->NT_hWnd, display); frames = 0; } else { secondpassed = 0; } lastframesticks = b; }
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#ifndef FPS_H #define FPS_H #include "Vector.h" #include "Defines.h"
/* class FPS_t { public: FPS_t(){} void Start();
void UpdateFPS(); bool timePassed(unsigned int ms); char display[50]; //time passed / 1000 float LastFramesTime; float TimeFrac; //ThisFramesTime-LastFramesTime / 1000 float TimePassed; bool secondpassed; unsigned int LastTime; unsigned int LastTimeBufferSwapped; unsigned int CurrentTime; unsigned int frames; unsigned int lasttimechecked; //for only writing things to file over a certain duration }; */
/* This class is a high resolution timer which keeps track of the number of graphics frames that have passed */ class FPS_t {
public: FPS_t() { LastUpdateTickCount = 0; mTimeFrac = 0; tickspersec = 0; lastframesticks = 0; frames = 0; LastTimeBufferSwapped = 0; LastTickTime = 0; StartupTickCount = 0; CurrentTime = 0; secondpassed = 0; DamTimeStart = LARGE_INTEGER(); DamTimeEnd = LARGE_INTEGER();
DamTimeStartGetTime = 0; DamTimeEndGetTime = 0; memset(display,0,sizeof(char)*50); } void Start(); void UpdateFPS(); char display[50]; //for displaying the FPS to the window, or the OpenGL display float GetSecondsSinceLastFrame(); float FPS_GETTIME(); //replaces timeGetTime(), returns seconds, high resolution only
void TEST_DAM_START(); void TEST_DAM_END(); //Converts the dammed up time period into seconds float TEST_DAM_TO_SECONDS(); void TEST_DAM_START_GETTIME(); void TEST_DAM_END_GETTIME(); float TEST_DAM_TO_SECONDS_GETTIME();
unsigned int tickspersec; //resolution of performance ticker unsigned int lastframesticks; //updated every frame unsigned int frames; //frames per second float LastTimeBufferSwapped; unsigned int LastTickTime; //updated only once per second unsigned int LastUpdateTickCount; LONGLONG StartupTickCount; // float TimeFrac; //fraction of a second that has passed float CurrentTime; //frametime in MILLISECONDS float mTimeFrac; //Time between graphics frames bool secondpassed; //has LastTickTime been updated
//This is for test timing //Dams up the CPU between DamTimeStart, and DamTimeEnd, and gets the tick difference between the two LARGE_INTEGER DamTimeStart; LARGE_INTEGER DamTimeEnd; DWORD DamTimeStartGetTime; DWORD DamTimeEndGetTime; }; #endif
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DRIPPY-!!!! Gaba's posting haxorz! | |
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| DRIPPY-!!!! Gaba's posting haxorz!
| | That's from developing my own little game engine, it was my framerate counter.
In high school I did try using cheats in counter strike 1.6. There was an exploit where you could go as spectator but get the hostages to follow you. Thing is, they would follow you even if you went into the air, so, you'd get them all to follow you and start doing circles in a main area and all the other players were like wtf is going on. That was great.
There's software that allows transparent walls in the .dem playback, that's how spoofer caught beastmode with the wallhack, but I don't know if that works anymore, I think spoof said it don't work no more good.
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Forums > Whiners Corner (Archives) > Competition? |