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Real life whiners corner
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Super Regular
Speed Sniping

P: 10/17/2024 21:19 EST
    Real life Whiners corner
If we zoomed out & looked at real life non-gamers, I think much of the world belongs in a Whiners corner. As they consume unhealthy nutritional foods & continue to engage in destructively unhealthy mental habits, their life fills up with distractions as their misery & misdirected anger continues to plague their lack of a life.

Politically charged citizens with ZERO personal experience with politics, forming opinions completely based on paid news sites/tv_shows expressing their confidence about how much they know is a foundation of stupidity. It's even worse than a map maker in the year 1300 AD drawing flat earth maps for an entire population, because even back then that map maker wasn't as confident about the shape of the planet as a typical democrat/republican is today about what they truly know.
Super Regular
Speed Sniping

P: 10/17/2024 21:33 EST
    My predictions for 2034:
Homeless people will be a massive problem in every city, and will even be a small to large issue in every single small town across America. It will become trendy/popular as the newer "camping" & "freedom" lifestyle changes become a growing trend. Homelessness will be fueled by a combination of self-driving cars, stronger AI systems, and every fast food chain switching over to complete automation from food preparation to payment.

Joblessness will fucking skyrocket soon globally when mental tasks no longer need a person & repetitive minimum wage jobs don't need a person. The US politicians will panic, as the problem is quickly "solved" once the US jobless percentage quickly drops back down thanks to whoever is president at the time. Of course behind the scenes, what really happened was a massive number of educated & talented individuals left the USA as we replaced the millions of jobless people with janitors/garbage collectors & no high school degree needed positions. Overall the US population is convinced that the current administration fixed the issue when in reality the United States took the first step to become a third world country. China's groundwork they've publically started with ambitions goals laid out prior to 2020 begin to really pay off just before 2030.

In 1994 some 11-14 year olds had skateboards in my neighborhood. Some kids had scraped knees, none wore helmets.
In 2024 some 11-14 year olds have a skateboard with handlebars in my neighborhood. Some kids wear kneepads, even though this skateboard has a 4ft pole attached to handlebars making falling all almost impossible.
In 2034 some 11-14 year olds will be riding adult bicycles with training wheels. The idea of attempting to balance yourself in real-time requires mental abilities that they're not equipped to handle.

"Content creators" such as website makers, music artists, graphic artists, podcasters, authors and more will really just be low-iq people asking AI to generate content as TRULY GIFTED PEOPLE fail to compete. The innovation in AI programming will increase as the human intelligence decreases.

The lack of imagination, decreasing patience levels & shorter fuse of individuals will result in a very underwhelming future. New videogames along with the gamers to play them will be pathetic, as the goals get easier. Kids 11 years old in 1998 would have had more attention, planning & executing their gaming goals then adults will by 2034. We'll have photorealistic games designed for 6 year olds in 2034.

Gold will be $6000 per oz.
Bitcoin will be $1 million.
Everything will cost twice as much as today.

Our 2024 efforts in combating inflation isn't taking these factors into consideration enough:
every country printed money in 2020, not just USA. And the "velocity of money", in that there are still trillions that haven't been spent or moved yet to enter the economies.
The cost of preparing/serving/receiving-payment for food will get 2-3x cheaper with automated robotics, but those savings will NOT be passed onto the customer beyond the savings in time for waiting for food.
Lotteries will grow to crazy heights as the desperate homeless population that continues to grow larger each year buy tickets.

Global warming will become a lot more realized in 2034. The USA will have spent over $1 trillion to be the world leader in renewable energies & trying to become a global example of what to do, meanwhile China & many other countries ignore these efforts and continue to do what's cheapest for their economy. Blocks of ice the size of US states in Antarctica continue to breakoff & once surrounded by water begin to quickly melt. As the global ocean levels rise by 3-10 feet, millions of people suddenly find their home/towns impacted.

Global warming continues to bring unexpected anomalies. We don't get the world's strongest hurricanes or the world's hottest temperatures, so large parts of the population continue to believe global warming is fake. Meanwhile we get tornados hitting states and towns that have NEVER seen one before, and some crazy ice storms or long stretches of no-rain. A typhoon hits California with the same power as a strong hurricane that people in Florida are used to. Global warming changes the pockets of hot/cold air, hot/cold water in oceans, and can affect the intensity or lack of wind resulting in unexpected weather.
Super Regular
Speed Sniping

P: 10/17/2024 21:50 EST
    The next 2024/2028/2032 US Presidents:
There are huge sections of the country that would vote for whichever president straight up would offer or has offered them "free money".

There are sections of the country that would vote for whichever president would offer them a way to get rich quickly. If a certain president is pro-bitcoin or pro-cryptocurrency, then this is a selfish way for them to benefit financially with their vote. Making some quick $$$ is more important then the long-term policies/goals/agenda of either candidate sadly. If one president might start a war, ignore current problems or might not be best for the future of America, the idea you might be able to get $100-$2000 by voting for a certain candidate is a very selfish reality many citizens take into consideration.

There are huge sections of the country that are ready to vote for the world's first woman/trans/non-binary president. Or a certain race, religion or physical handicap. As important as a person's qualifications or things they stand for are, we live in an age where young people feel obligated to show how inclusive & open they are and what a better way then to blindly give their vote to someone that has never been a president before. Young voters are at an all-time level of stupid at the moment, where if they watch a few clown influencers presenting the idea of voting for a certain person due to their body to make a change or statement that they'll vote that way too. Young people can't research, gather data & make an independent decision on their own. They rely on google to give them answers, or follow/copy whatever their friends or celebrity/influencer icons do.

I don't think we are going to get 2 white old men that are quiet running against each other in 2028/2032. I think we're going to get loud people attempting to win over a poverty ridden population that have the attention span of a chicken.

Surely voting for the first president with a missing limb, woman, blind/deaf, or otherwise DIFFERENT individual will result in an otherwise DIFFERENT country during their term right? There are loads of people that believe that voting for a billionaire or woman or some other factor will magically change everything.
Super Regular
Speed Sniping

P: 10/17/2024 22:52 EST
E: 10/17/2024 22:52 EST
    2024-2028 predictions

*ChatGPT similar technologies will answer middle/high school papers & even college essays. This will lead to a crazy lack of comprehension skills in the next generation of people. Herds of people unable to comprehend anything. The past decade's use of smartphones has lead to a sudden lack of memorization skills or even remembering facts. Memorizing facts is not the same as comprehending what you've learned. Google has taken note of the massive lack of analytical skills in society in recent years enough to build a new AI engine for this very purpose.

*Google is pushing their new Analytical tools using AI to help people comprehend answers faster/easier that started in 2024. The idea of fact checking 3-6 different websites & skipping obviously bad sources is being replaced by summarizing bots across platforms.

*When one neighbor has a 6year college degree making sandwiches at Subway, while another neighbor is making 5-6 figures recording unboxing videos on YouTube you know your country is in trouble. Replace the man unboxing products on camera with a young woman losing in videogames on Twitch or performing ASMR for a horney audience. America is a clown factory making jokers on social media competing for attention as their salary because the US has the world reserve currency. This low bar goal pays better then higher effort real work.

*We embrace the bold & LOUD people in society. Trump was loud and bossy, and people assume a person in a position of power like that can't be manipulated or controlled which is silly. You know who else is bold, loud & bossy? The short fuse KARENS in the world who demand to get their way. People often get fired or publically shamed if a victim to a KAREN. There was a KAREN on CBS's Big Brother this year that was very successful on the show. Her target got sent off & her loud crazy personality was embraced.

*The "SMART" person of the future, will be someone who can ask different AI engines to create content or answer questions. Perhaps this person is smart enough to get mostly correct answers, but I fear we'll reward those that deliver wrong answers in a very unique way in a bossy & LOUD manner with a strong personality. The loud idiot barking nonsense in a captivating way.

*The average adult in 2034 won't know these because they can just ask AI:
What 6x4=?
How many states are in the USA?
Won't even know their own phone number, as they'll have to ask or check their phone to see it
People will ask their AI engine who to vote for as the next president OR follow Taylor Swift or someone else who is famous because balancing facts in their head is something they cheated on in middle school onwards.

*If some of you say this is TLDR, you're already part of the problem, lol.
Super Regular
Evil Medic

P: 10/17/2024 22:59 EST
    I've got no more gas in the tank. You'll have to run this flag on your own, haha.  
Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 10/18/2024 07:37 EST

Also I think you’ve got too much time on your hands. You should start a dairy farm. That’ll fix it.
Super Regular
Crack-Powered Capper

P: 10/18/2024 21:34 EST
E: 10/18/2024 21:34 EST
    Thanks to ChatGPT, nobody has to read his nonsense.

The text presents a pessimistic view of future trends, predicting widespread societal decline by 2034. Themes include:

* Social Decay: Decline in critical thinking, comprehension, and meaningful work, driven by AI overuse, social media trends, and consumerism.
* Economic Shifts: Automation leading to mass joblessness and homelessness, with illusions of economic recovery masking deeper structural problems.
* Political Disillusionment: Voting driven by self-interest, identity, or influencer culture, with loud, charismatic figures dominating.
* Environmental Challenges: Global warming worsens, with ineffective U.S. efforts offset by other nations prioritizing economic growth over sustainability.

The narrative expresses concerns about societal priorities, intellectual stagnation, and the risks of technology dependency.
Super Regular
Evil Medic

P: 10/19/2024 01:08 EST
    Snips may be the poster child for verbose, but his contributions here are definitely not nonsense.  
Super Regular
Evil Medic

P: 10/19/2024 01:12 EST
    Also if the events of the past ten years haven't made you a pessimist to at least a small degree, you're not paying attention to the bigger picture.  
Super Regular
Speed Sniping

P: 10/19/2024 01:23 EST
EnginGhent wrote:
Thanks to ChatGPT, nobody has to read his nonsense.

The text presents a pessimistic view of future trends, predicting widespread societal decline by 2034. Themes include:

* Social Decay: Decline in critical thinking, comprehension, and meaningful work, driven by AI overuse, social media trends, and consumerism.
* Economic Shifts: Automation leading to mass joblessness and homelessness, with illusions of economic recovery masking deeper structural problems.
* Political Disillusionment: Voting driven by self-interest, identity, or influencer culture, with loud, charismatic figures dominating.
* Environmental Challenges: Global warming worsens, with ineffective U.S. efforts offset by other nations prioritizing economic growth over sustainability.

The narrative expresses concerns about societal priorities, intellectual stagnation, and the risks of technology dependency.
Did you really just use AI to summarize what I wrote? Your own actions made my point, that AI is needed for those that lack general comprehension OR in that they need someone else to think for them. Perhaps I am being too optimistic in that the age of spending more then 20seconds of reading is too much is already here.

Wouldn't surprise me if starting in the 6th grade they just drop English class altogether. We can't compete on an international stage in America & our culture turns to youtube instead of reading from factual sources. They'd rather have someone else read to them on camera.
Super Regular
Crack-Powered Capper

P: 10/19/2024 07:49 EST
    The irony was the joke you dolt.   
Super Regular
Speed Sniping

P: 10/19/2024 08:47 EST
    In a thread stating people can't read, that many need AI to incorrectly analyze basic thoughts you thought it would be funny to do just that. Yes I get that attempt at humor. The TLDR = can't read, I need youtube/audiobook is typical laziness.

Much of my anger is aimed at a near future that mankind is racing towards. It's hilarious that neither presidential candidate is aware of AI concerns or even the general public that much. AI is barely making it in the news. Yesterday on Friday Bloomberg had an article that one AI model would be smarter than most humans by 2026.

People can't comprehend AI being scary beyond movies like the TERMINATOR. A killer metal robot doesn't scare me. A biological lab being controlled by AI scares me, designing an airborne contagion. AI being able to execute a digital war & blame it on any country scares me. Nuke killing a million people doesn't scare me. Attacking the power grid killing over a hundred million people from starvation scares me.

Someone is going to make an ANI, AGI, ASI (Artificial Super Intelligence) which will be able to rewrite its own code & self-grow. The 1st company to do this will become super rich at first as inventions + stock market predictions/patterns will earn them trillions of dollars. Once the AI is capable of 3d printing its own builder robots, I wouldn't be surprised if the ASI designed an airborne virus to kill mankind & terraform planets/moons in our solar system spreading earth's plants/animal life throughout the universe. If it takes 500 years or 10,000 years the superintelligence isn't bound by a human lifetime.

The only thing that is killing plants/animals/air/water on a global scale is man.
Super Regular
Crack-Powered Capper

P: 10/19/2024 13:27 EST
    It seems like you believe that the more words you write, the more credible, interesting, or convincing you are or will be.   
Super Regular
Dizzy Capper

P: 10/19/2024 13:30 EST
    Dang so much hate towards snips. He can’t help his meth addiction and lengthy forum posts are but a symptom.

Please support him during his struggles!

Snips mvp snips for pres snip can fuck my mom (and dad!)
Super Regular
Dizzy Capper

P: 10/19/2024 15:51 EST
EnginGhent wrote:
It seems like you believe that the more words you write, the more credible, interesting, or convincing you are or will be.
Hi Ghent!

* kicks 🦵 Ghent in the 🥜 *
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