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Britain in or out of the eu
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Super Regular
Deadly Dispenser

P: 05/31/2016 01:20 EST
Poll: Should Britain leave the EU?
Yes (57%)
No (29%)
Trump (14%)
Poll has ended (it ran for 7 days). 7 total votes.
I'm not expecting much debate, as I appreciate it'll be quite a niche topic for the majority-US peeps on the site. But I would be curious to see a strawpoll from you lot on thoughts about the UK staying in, or leaving the EU.

If anyone wishes to expand their thoughts - obviously, that'd be fascinating, too.
Super Regular
Dizzy Capper

P: 05/31/2016 01:49 EST
    Don't know much about anything over there, but I know EU is a dumpster fire. Being in dumpster fires is probably not healthy  
P: 05/31/2016 09:42 EST
    Want to know something creepy?.. The EU parliament building looks like paintings of the tower of Babel.

I would prefer that the EU did not even exist. I have my reasons.
Daycare Manager
Pipebomb Monkey

P: 05/31/2016 12:11 EST
    I really don't know too much about the entire situation....... but I did see an argument about the possibility....

It was short, and to the point. To paraphrase it;

"Sure, it sounds like a good idea. But, what then? It's like being in a club, and once you leave, you can't get back in. So make sure you know what's going to happen, so you don't look a right tosser sitting on the outside, wishing you'd never left."
Super Regular
Heavy Flag

P: 06/03/2016 23:23 EST
Jesus_is_King wrote:
Want to know something creepy?.. The EU parliament building looks like paintings of the tower of Babel.

I would prefer that the EU did not even exist. I have my reasons.
I must know your reasons
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Forums > General Discussion (Archives) > Britain in or out of the eu