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Won't be on as often
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Super Regular
Shotgun Quick

P: 07/25/2016 00:04 EST
    i know, i know, many of you will enjoy me and my attitude sometimes taking a hiatus from the server for awhile but its good news that draws my attention elsewhere. in 2 weeks time we are expecting a baby human into our home which will take up more of my time leading to less tfc. ill be popping in here and there while i have an opportunity but don't expect it often for awhile. good luck to everyone, and see you all when i see ya!  
moose poop
Super Regular
Body Splatter

P: 07/25/2016 00:07 EST
    congratz, see ya when I see ya.  
elf poo
Super Regular
WMD Creator

P: 07/25/2016 00:35 EST
    Congradulations! See you in 9 months."
Super Regular
Soldier Flag

P: 07/25/2016 02:39 EST
    Hooray! Congratulations, old pal! We don't get to see you enough already, and you'll be missed, but I am very happy to hear you are bringing another TFC player into the world =)  
Super Regular
Heavy Flag

P: 07/25/2016 02:40 EST
    Great news. Enjoy the time with children, it goes by faster than you imagine.   
Super Regular
WMD Creator

P: 07/25/2016 03:32 EST
    Just as we were beginning our machinations... ^_^;;

We'll have to steal you away every once in a while to put our plan into action, haha...
Daycare Manager
Pipebomb Monkey

P: 07/25/2016 07:47 EST
    I told you this is what happens if you keep fuckin' around. Now look.

Seriously, though... Congrats, and bring 'em up right, with classic games. :)
Super Regular
Dizzy Capper

P: 07/25/2016 12:40 EST

I understand completely. My wife and I are in the process of purchasing our first home. Our agreement was 'we don't have kids until we have a house' ... so I'm sure it's obvious what happens next. I'll likely be in the same boat some time next year.
Super Regular
Sneaky Flag

P: 07/25/2016 14:42 EST
    I always thought you were one of them gays I hearabout

Congrats on proving me wrong, fag

Love u
Super Regular
Heavy Flag

P: 07/26/2016 19:11 EST
Wisdom wrote:

I understand completely. My wife and I are in the process of purchasing our first home. Our agreement was 'we don't have kids until we have a house' ... so I'm sure it's obvious what happens next. I'll likely be in the same boat some time next year.
It may be obvious what happens next, but we still want details!
Super Regular
Medic Capping

P: 07/27/2016 00:43 EST
    Wally wants details on how Wisdom does.....Nookie :-/  
Super Regular
Ironman Pyro

P: 07/27/2016 04:13 EST
    I've never sired a child, but i spent some time as a step father.

Enjoy it while it lasts.
Daycare Manager
Killer Scout

P: 07/27/2016 11:52 EST
    Congrats, Nookie! Enjoy every moment of it.
Hope to see you soon!
Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 07/27/2016 15:29 EST
hope to see you in between changing shitty diapers
and cleaning throw up off your shirts lol
Super Regular
Rocket Jockey

P: 07/27/2016 21:51 EST
    p u k e  
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Forums > General Discussion (Archives) > Won't be on as often