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Forums > Whiners Corner > A general whineFirst Unread Post
P: 08/22/2024 09:43
E: 08/22/2024 10:57
    Pizza hut was good at a period in time?

Honestly pizza is cheap still.

Dominoes always does deals. The new seasoning they use on their crust is way better than the crust of the mid to late 2000's $5,5,5 days where youd get (3) 2 topping medium pizzas for $5 each. Those 2 topping mediums are $6.99. so they didnt really increase that much in price over the past 20 years. Thats only a 40% increase.

Comparatively youd get a mcdouble for a true $1 back then. Now its $2.70 per. But if you get 2 its 2 for $3.99. But thats still double the price.

More of a Papa Ginos guy for chain joints. Their sauce and crust is far superior than Dominoes, Pizza Hut, Papa Johns
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