Mo|son Canadian (STEAM_0:1:2935779)
Killer Scout, Spaz Sniper, Rocket Jumping Capper, Present Dropper, Evil Medic, FatGuy With A LittleGun, Napalm in the Morning, Spy on Crack, Kills With Spanner

Last joined on 4/22/2023. First recorded join on 8/06/2004.

Mo|son Canadian has also been known as: Mo|son Canadian Cow, Whacky Canad|an, Mo|son Canad|an, Mo|son -KREATOR- Canad|an, Vote Dahmer 2004, DINNER WITH DAHMER, Mo|son Canad|an (drinking), Belial from Basket Case, Mo|son Canad|ian, Mo|son the Culo, Mo|son the Puto, Mo|son KREATOR Canad|an, HEHEHEHEHEHE, HEHEHEHEHE, Bush the Stupidity Head, HEHEHE, Penis Face, Hoola Hoop Lips, usumu_u_mumma, Mo|son, Not_that_good, (1)Player, Pragmatic1, Lunny, Mo|son Can. (fading away), mab, mib, dirty sandwich, Spocks Cock

     Kills Per Hour for each Class
Generic Totals
Hours Played: 4079.68 (#47)
Enemy Kills: 352,635 (#13)
Deaths from Enemies: 241,798
Kill to Death Ratio: 1.27:1 (#3192)
Kills Per Hour: 86.44 (#1317)
Suicides: 35,840
Team Kills: 2,348
Deaths from Team: 1,678
Team to Enemy Kills: 1:150.19
Flag Caps: 7,062 (#18)
Lines Said: 83,071
Team to Global Lines: 1:2.50
Kicks: 10
Server Joins: 6,155
Offense Kills: 199,927
Defense Kills: 152,708
(off and def kills were not always tracked)
Flag Carrier Kills: 4,576 (#148)
Sentry Gun Kills: 23,249 (#29)
Dispenser Kills: 9,440 (#34)
Teleporter Exits Destroyed: 4414
TP Entrances Destroyed: 3008

Classes Played
Scout: 2% (98.03 Hrs)
Sniper: 7% (315.68 Hrs)
Soldier: 32% (1325.40 Hrs)
Demoman: 28% (1147.85 Hrs)
Medic: 11% (482.22 Hrs)
HWGuy: 0% (38.50 Hrs)
Pyro: 1% (65.47 Hrs)
Spy: 4% (166.98 Hrs)
Engineer: 9% (404.60 Hrs)
RandomPC: 0% (1.62 Hrs)

     Hours played for each Class

Game Records
Most Enemy Kills: 209
Most Friendly Kills: 14
Most Deaths: 127
Most Suicides: 29
Lines Said (all): 124
Lines Said (team): 52

Custom Stats
Total uNFs: 1,426 (#50)
Deflowerings: 620 (#44)
Successful Hunts: 300
Failed Hunts: 109
Hunts Foiled: 142
Hunt Success: 73% (#98)
Beer Purchases: 268
Bagel Purchases: 140
Nuke Purchases: 41
