crook (STEAM_0:1:912684)
Killer Scout, Headshot Lackey, Rocket Jockey, Cold Giver, Assault Cannon Lover, Rambo Engineer

Last joined on 12/11/2021. First recorded join on 9/07/2004.

crook has also been known as: ShittinInYoPants, HNIC, MyDickIsHuge!!!, BonerPillz, SwiftDeath, HoneyBadgerDoesntGiveAShit, Boner_De_Pillz, ImScratchinMaBALLZ, YourMomsLover, Tupac, AzzMan, GilfHunter, MeLoveYouLongTime, IpoopOnTits, WarWhoresWhorishMother, ===JJJJ==D, word, LadyCrook, IeatBoogers, (3)Player, Player, Doo Doo Bear, LoveMeLongTime, IeatShit, MyBallzSmell, ImJerkinOffOntoWantedsMomsFace, HotDogInMaPocket, Yaweh, BaDussiBootyDickAndPussy

     Kills Per Hour for each Class
Generic Totals
Hours Played: 101.57 (#2983)
Enemy Kills: 3,167 (#4315)
Deaths from Enemies: 8,178
Kill to Death Ratio: 1:2.81 (#25584)
Kills Per Hour: 31.18 (#20324)
Suicides: 734
Team Kills: 0
Deaths from Team: 0
Team to Enemy Kills: 0:3,167
Flag Caps: 60 (#1927)
Lines Said: 3,273
Team to Global Lines: 1:3.19
Kicks: 1
Server Joins: 387
Offense Kills: 1,744
Defense Kills: 1,423
(off and def kills were not always tracked)
Flag Carrier Kills: 93 (#3610)
Sentry Gun Kills: 196 (#2856)
Dispenser Kills: 60 (#3223)
Teleporter Exits Destroyed: 48
TP Entrances Destroyed: 36

Classes Played
Scout: 0% (0.63 Hrs)
Sniper: 3% (3.52 Hrs)
Soldier: 12% (12.97 Hrs)
Demoman: 1% (1.13 Hrs)
Medic: 53% (54.62 Hrs)
HWGuy: 2% (3.03 Hrs)
Pyro: 0% (0.55 Hrs)
Spy: 1% (1.27 Hrs)
Engineer: 20% (21.08 Hrs)
RandomPC: 0% (0.10 Hrs)

     Hours played for each Class

Game Records
Most Enemy Kills: 45
Most Friendly Kills: 0
Most Deaths: 114
Most Suicides: 5
Lines Said (all): 57
Lines Said (team): 24

Custom Stats
Total uNFs: 34 (#1365)
Deflowerings: 0 (NR)
Successful Hunts: 0
Failed Hunts: 0
Hunts Foiled: 0
Hunt Success: 0% (NR)
Beer Purchases: 0
Bagel Purchases: 0
Nuke Purchases: 0
