The STD Experiment
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Stats for Skills The Monkey:
Skills The Monkey was present when a green cloud passed over the server. (Hence they never received the infection from anyone)
Gave the Type-A infection to 30 people. Spread Type-B to 1 person.

08/20/2003 13:43
  Skills The MonkeyType-A-=Unstable=-
08/21/2003 09:34
  Jars of ClayType-BSkills The Monkey
08/22/2003 11:24
  Skills The MonkeyType-AClova
08/22/2003 12:42
  Skills The MonkeyType-A(1)Player
08/22/2003 13:49
  Skills The MonkeyType-AsUbLiMiNaL STEEN
08/22/2003 17:05
  Skills The MonkeyType-Acarl
08/22/2003 21:58
  Skills The MonkeyType-AMikaela-Dawn
08/22/2003 22:58
  Skills The MonkeyType-Acheeseweesey
08/23/2003 12:07
  Skills The MonkeyType-AThe last angel
08/23/2003 13:17
  Skills The MonkeyType-A- |nLv.r|Stratus.Mi -
08/23/2003 14:20
  Skills The MonkeyType-Aperisher
08/23/2003 14:48
  Skills The MonkeyType-A[d2f]Kalani
08/23/2003 14:48
  Skills The MonkeyType-B[d2f]Kalani
08/23/2003 19:30
  Skills The MonkeyType-ALittle Big
08/24/2003 11:57
  Skills The MonkeyType-As0bur
08/24/2003 13:02
  Skills The MonkeyType-Aowh
08/24/2003 15:21
  Skills The MonkeyType-ASniperBear6
08/24/2003 20:28
  Skills The MonkeyType-ACop Killer
08/29/2003 10:08
  Skills The
08/29/2003 11:09
  Skills The MonkeyType-Achange_chinny
08/29/2003 12:32
  Skills The MonkeyType-APwnin O'Brian
08/31/2003 08:34
  Skills The MonkeyType-AManWhoSmokesGrass
08/31/2003 08:34
  Skills The MonkeyType-AJiNxY
08/31/2003 09:35
  Skills The MonkeyType-A|DR|**W.O.Y.**Apocalypse
09/01/2003 09:18
  Skills The MonkeyType-AFall_Down_Go_Boom
09/02/2003 12:42
  Skills The MonkeyType-AWooT
09/02/2003 13:49
  Skills The MonkeyType-Adiablo
09/02/2003 16:30
  Skills The MonkeyType-A!^FActOr*
09/06/2003 13:25
  Skills The MonkeyType-APlayer
09/10/2003 17:33
  Skills The MonkeyType-ACheap Kills ----------->
09/10/2003 18:36
  Skills The MonkeyType-Apunky
07/16/2004 12:59
  drippy-Type-ASkills The Monkey
07/17/2004 03:38
  Skills The MonkeyType-Atmbrrwolf