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24h for what?
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Super Regular
Soldier Flag

P: 09/15/2021 08:49 EST
    Nug, it's pepperjack cheese lol  
Boo Boo
Super Regular
Master HWGuy

P: 09/15/2021 20:44 EST
    Pepper is hilarious. I've gotten Tibbs to walk by and do the "Get to the Choppa" on occasion.  
Super Regular
Flag Capping
Diet Planner

P: 09/16/2021 18:56 EST
E: 09/16/2021 19:10 EST
    i thought you guys all know

but it seems some guys dont

ok im the 33 yo King from Germany living in Austria (capital: Vienna) since round about 5 years

so the crazy Arnold sound makes sense - indeed LOL

and ofc indeed im a troll my ladies but im almost always a serious player who has fun with the other "tryhard" its the only public server left where we can have (and we definetly have!) unproblematic competitions! with all in all very good unbiased active admins around (best of all ofc med!, iggy and fluffo ps we miss you fluffo - come back!- many guys "try" to imitate your D Engi gameplay! but theres nothing better than the Original!

After the ignorant "other active server" banned like 50% of the community for no reason

thank you drippy for holding this server online and moderated

this community is epic and we need to hold this alive

cheers King

ps. yeah right - im drunken
and again thank you mike for this simple clarify video wich was way overdue
Daycare Manager
Pipebomb Monkey

P: 09/16/2021 19:19 EST
    Considering I've banned you at least once... I have to admit that I do appreciate you saying that I am an unbiased and fair Admin.

I mean, I do try to be exactly that.... fair, and unbiased. One thing is for sure, if *I* drop the "Hammer" on you, I've got the proof to back it up.

I will also state that the last few times I've Spec'd you(and you ARE on my list of people to watch on the regular).... I haven't seen any violations. So, in all honesty, I'm guessing you've learned your lesson.

All that said, I welcome everyone who obeys the rules here, to be a part of our community. We all likely have some past indiscretions... and that's okay, so long as we learn from them. Hell, I've been "Banned" from here on several occasions. But as Gordon Ramsay says, "It's not how you start, it's how you finish."

Super Regular
Shotgun Quick

P: 09/16/2021 20:29 EST
    I always hear great things about Vienna. Very nice King!  
Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 09/16/2021 20:37 EST
    Good people come from Vienna.  
Super Regular
Flag Capping
Diet Planner

P: 09/16/2021 21:39 EST
    @iggy really true and nice words

@matt @jodi
you welcome to visit me here my friends - my doors are open
Super Regular
WMD Creator

P: 09/16/2021 22:12 EST
[SHS]Hitz wrote:
Good people come from Vienna.
Austria? Well then, let’s put another shrimp on the barbie!
Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 09/16/2021 22:38 EST
    I'm 110% sure you fucked that up on purpose :)  
Super Regular
Soldier Flag

P: 09/17/2021 08:47 EST
    <random arnold noises of approval>
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Forums > Whiners Corner (Archives) > 24h for what?