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Steam Conversion (7/21)
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P: 02/03/2005 19:59 EST
    what will happen to the current events drippy? will they be saved?  
Unreasonable Dictator
Hot Roasted
Sniper Delivery

P: 02/03/2005 19:59 EST
E: 07/16/2004 17:04 EST
    See the first post for details on converting your stats, which you can do now
As far as my mods, everything will be exactly the same.
Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 02/03/2005 19:59 EST
E: 07/16/2004 17:14 EST
    can we combine 2 ID's into 1 steam ID?  
Unreasonable Dictator
Hot Roasted
Sniper Delivery

P: 02/03/2005 19:59 EST
Bot Wrangler
Engineer Spreading

P: 02/03/2005 19:59 EST
    i must be retarded or something, i followed your instructions to the letter and it didnt work. HElp!!  
Bot Wrangler
Crack-Powered Capper

P: 02/03/2005 19:59 EST
    What are you having problems with Marius, what does not work?  
Unreasonable Dictator
Hot Roasted
Sniper Delivery

P: 02/03/2005 19:59 EST
    I think i saw you set your password in the #2 server, Marius. You have to do it in the one listed in this post. (hl.qlad.net:27016)  
Bot Wrangler
Engineer Spreading

P: 02/03/2005 19:59 EST
    done and done...now i have to go to work.  
Bot Wrangler
WMD Creator

P: 02/03/2005 19:59 EST
    Is the steam server up? Ive tried to connect to the addy/port you gave, but the connection is refused (both with steam and telnet). That address is alive though. Is there a problem or am I doing something wrong?  
Unreasonable Dictator
Hot Roasted
Sniper Delivery

P: 02/03/2005 19:59 EST
E: 07/16/2004 22:07 EST
    it is now, set it to autostart, so it should stay up
Super Regular
Cold Giver

P: 02/03/2005 19:59 EST
    A friend is currently using my CD and everything with his computer, and I'm wondering if there's gonna be any problems whenever I decide to install it back on mine?
Is the Steam ID tied to the CD key?
Just making sure since I've never used Steam before and I'm thinking 'bout letting him take care of this.
Super Regular
Grenade Launcher

P: 02/03/2005 19:59 EST
    Just installed Steam and everything seems to working pretty good. I kept my old files and can play on both. One thing though, my scripts didn't work when I played on Steam. I had an auto-reloader and a grenade primer. Will these not work in Steam, or am I going to need to delete my old files. I looked for an autoexec file in steam and couldn't find one.  
Super Regular
Stabby Stabby

P: 02/03/2005 19:59 EST
    Just converted, now I connect to Drippy's with the Steam temp server stats that I just switched over.

hehe, told everyone tonight I converted and had the fresh new steam ID stats. And with that, a free deflowering for someone. Ah, how sweet it was to be a virgin once more.

Thanks, drippy.
Daycare Manager
Engineer Stat

P: 02/03/2005 19:59 EST
    um...i think i downloaded that steam, and now it asks me to 'create new account' or to 'log to an existing account', so i dont know what one to do, i havnt read it anywhere, so i dont know if i did something wrong, or everyone knew what one to pick...  
Super Regular
Medic Capping

P: 02/03/2005 19:59 EST
    Animosity and Fluffo:

You guys should do "create a new account" From there you will enter your cd key and you will use an email address as your account name and you will choose a password. Only one account can be created per cd key, so make sure it is a valid email address in case you forget your password. A STEAM id will be assigned to you when you create your accound, just liek a won id was assigned to you.


Your scripts will work. Just make an autoexec.cfg in your tfc folder and the game will see it and use it.
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Forums > D2F Discussion (Archives) > Steam Conversion (7/21)