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"beer" league tfc
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P: 04/16/2020 08:49 EST
There is also a discord channel! IF, there are any of yall, old school peeps up for some action during "corona" ^^

/me doves out
Super Regular
Crack-Powered Capper

P: 04/16/2020 14:09 EST
    As nostalgic as it would be to clan again, half a dozen teams would get boring quickly. Furthermore, I know from playing or reputation 10-20% of those players and if the rest are around that same level it would be a blood bath for most of us including myself most of all lol. Those are gold/platinum clan players. With that said I do hope the league thrives.  
Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 04/16/2020 14:12 EST
    Intrigued providing anyone would let me join their team.

Where is said discord?
P: 04/16/2020 14:36 EST
    Oh my,

ranges from trash players to getting worked by wheats, fatal, nick and doug.

I'll watch doug play, he was a phenominal HW, like amazing.

Have fun with that lol.
P: 04/16/2020 15:41 EST
    Those were my thoughts when I saw that earlier. Team Inhouse destroying a bunch of pubbers? Not sure why they'd bother instead of play a pickup.  
Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 04/16/2020 16:34 EST
    My thoughts exactly.

To make it more even they should have had setup characters based on classes they wanted to play and pick and choose.
Super Regular
Crack-Powered Capper

P: 04/16/2020 19:23 EST
Nug wrote:
Those were my thoughts when I saw that earlier. Team Inhouse destroying a bunch of pubbers? Not sure why they'd bother instead of play a pickup.
I wouldn’t say the rest are pubbers. I’m curious to see how 2001 does.
|404| dospac
TDA Badluck
mH. Repairman
And I believe Zt. Bat

Don’t know what shape they are now but they were all platinum players back in my hay day.
Super Regular
Sneaky Flag

P: 04/16/2020 22:27 EST
E: 04/16/2020 22:29 EST
    yeah fuck that noise, badluck and rep ate me alive back in the day, looks like most of those guys were gold or higher  
Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 04/16/2020 22:32 EST
    Yeah 404 and Tap Dat Ass? Were good clans back in my day as well. Not sure they were Platinum.  
Super Regular
Crack-Powered Capper

P: 04/17/2020 00:20 EST
    404 definitely was in platinum and TDA in 2001 was either top of gold or moved into platinum. TDA use to not stand for tap dat ass, and they actually became the last juggernaut of TFC. Going on a win streak just as impressive as Zt. or KIN. I am your resident TFC clan nerd. I use to do TFC match predictions for the catacombs, so I know a ton about many teams and rosters.

I’ve played nLv a few times Ken when I was on GoW. [GoW]Shaggy.
P: 04/17/2020 14:50 EST
    TDA 9v and iS 5v. reigned for a long long time.   
Super Regular
Sneaky Flag

P: 04/17/2020 20:30 EST
Help wrote:
404 definitely was in platinum and TDA in 2001 was either top of gold or moved into platinum. TDA use to not stand for tap dat ass, and they actually became the last juggernaut of TFC. Going on a win streak just as impressive as Zt. or KIN. I am your resident TFC clan nerd. I use to do TFC match predictions for the catacombs, so I know a ton about many teams and rosters.

I’ve played nLv a few times Ken when I was on GoW. [GoW]Shaggy.
Super Regular
Crack-Powered Capper

P: 04/17/2020 21:25 EST
    My bad bro, I have changed my name quite a bit throughout the years. Funny, I met an old teammate {GCC}Eggman 2-3 days ago and I said hey and asked about former teammates. Anyways, he asked what was my name for {GCC} and I had no bloody idea 😂  
Daycare Manager
Pipebomb Monkey

P: 04/17/2020 21:56 EST
    Well, let's be honest here... most of us who have played this game for nearly 20 years have changed names multiple times.

I know I've been known by more than just "Iggy", or even "Ignorant Florist". THAT started with "Ignorant Bastard". But I ran into a server that didn't appreciate "foul mouthed names"... so I changed it from Bastard to Florist. Which was a job I had at the time. Floral designer.

Anyway, I had multiple names not even related to those. Nightbird, Kaptain Skitzo, I can't remember the name I used when me and some friends came up with the "Amish Niggaz" "clan"... but they were really silly anyway. I know there were a lot more crazy names I came up with back then.

For league play, I am pretty sure I used Ignorant Bastard when I was part of Reborn Killers.... ]-={RBK}=-[

That's been so long ago, I don't even remember which level we were at the time. Bronze, I think.
Super Regular
Crack-Powered Capper

P: 04/17/2020 22:12 EST
nlvken wrote:
Help wrote:
404 definitely was in platinum and TDA in 2001 was either top of gold or moved into platinum. TDA use to not stand for tap dat ass, and they actually became the last juggernaut of TFC. Going on a win streak just as impressive as Zt. or KIN. I am your resident TFC clan nerd. I use to do TFC match predictions for the catacombs, so I know a ton about many teams and rosters.

I’ve played nLv a few times Ken when I was on GoW. [GoW]Shaggy.
Not sure if I ever told you this Ken - but pretty much any time I'm prompted for a group name, I now choose
"Sgt ____'s Lonely Hearts Club".

I know it's a Beatles album, though it's always stood out in memory of the F2$ IRC channel; looking back, I really enjoyed just being in that room. I'd always wanted to tell the folks in there that. That time in my life wasn't the best for a few reasons, and being a part of that was really nice, even if on the fringes because I'm terribad.
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