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Green pipes
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Super Regular
Shotgun Quick

P: 08/23/2020 00:06 EST
    I know blue are, but are green pipes allowed in sniper resupply?  
P: 08/23/2020 07:48 EST
    If you're using them to take out buildables or kill someone you've chased in, yes. The rule is against cheap kills.  
Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 08/23/2020 11:04 EST
    Depends on how you're using them. As Nug noted chasing someone in or destroying a tele is OK. In general launching them or anything else up into the dropdown is a no no unless you are sure there is a tele there.  
Super Regular
Crack-Powered Capper

P: 08/23/2020 13:47 EST
    What if the other team has statix or lil’scopeman? Can you then blindly toss grenades up the drop down? I mean come on, screw those guys. 😁  
Daycare Manager
Pipebomb Monkey

P: 08/23/2020 16:48 EST
    I feel your pain, Help.... I really do.



Nug wrote:
If you're using them to take out buildables or kill someone you've chased in, yes. The rule is against cheap kills.
In a nutshell, this.

I won't even get into "hair splitting" and "line walking" here. Cheap kills are a no no, let's just leave it at that.
Super Regular
Shotgun Quick

P: 08/23/2020 20:14 EST
    Ok, so let's say I was killed and spawn in sniper spawn. As I leave spawn, I see some random green pipes in resupply, 2 teles, and as I take a right to leave to exit battlements I see 3 grouped pipes and a demo waiting by the exit door to det said pipes.  
Super Regular
Crack-Powered Capper

P: 08/23/2020 21:59 EST
E: 08/23/2020 22:05 EST
    In that situation, it would have to be reviewed to see the intent of the demo. Was he waiting for an unsuspecting player for a twofer or did he just lay them and you were a bystander.

What I want to know is about mirvs. They are overkill to destroy teles and will have a great chance to get bystanders. If that’s allowed then det packs set by teles should be allowed lol. IMO both should not be allowed because the intent IMO is to blow everything and one up in that respawn.
Mr. Walnuts
Daycare Manager
Pipey FlagCatcher

P: 08/24/2020 09:56 EST
Nookie wrote:
Ok, so let's say I was killed and spawn in sniper spawn. As I leave spawn, I see some random green pipes in resupply, 2 teles, and as I take a right to leave to exit battlements I see 3 grouped pipes and a demo waiting by the exit door to det said pipes.
Three grouped pipes is definitely looking to kill. I assume you are talking about them being inside the door. Lately, I have been putting one pipe right at that corner of the beginning of that corridor if I am by the exit hoping to get out. I only set it if whoever comes around that corner fires on me just to put them off balance. One pipe won't kill a fresh player. Three? yeah.
Daycare Manager
Killer Scout

P: 08/24/2020 10:26 EST
    What kind of idiot demo hangs out in enemy respawn with pipes on the spawn-side door?  
P: 08/24/2020 10:33 EST

Daycare Manager
Killer Scout

P: 08/24/2020 10:48 EST
    I didn't realize this thread was about Walnuts. I don't consider walnuts an idiot person.

Idiot demo at times? yes ;)
Mr. Walnuts
Daycare Manager
Pipey FlagCatcher

P: 08/24/2020 11:17 EST
-[IBSC]-iLluSiON- wrote:
What kind of idiot demo hangs out in enemy respawn with pipes on the spawn-side door?
*A* pipe. One that is waiting for someone to open the batts door from the outside so he can get out or waiting for the spawn turret to subside. Don't be obtuse.
Super Regular
Cold Giver

P: 08/24/2020 12:27 EST
    for reference: https://imgur.com/3NTv6SS  
Super Regular
Crack-Powered Capper

P: 08/24/2020 12:48 EST
Mr. Walnuts wrote:
-[IBSC]-iLluSiON- wrote:
What kind of idiot demo hangs out in enemy respawn with pipes on the spawn-side door?
*A* pipe. One that is waiting for someone to open the batts door from the outside so he can get out or waiting for the spawn turret to subside. Don't be obtuse.
I consider any green grenades a threat aka assault. How is that not provoking the other player to action?
P: 08/24/2020 13:41 EST
    Still figuring out what made drippy give Walnuts admin, it just doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

must have some dirt on him.
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Forums > D2F Discussion (Archives) > Green pipes