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P: 09/01/2020 21:00 EST
    can someone upload zoom.spr that is in the
program files>steam>steamapps>common>half-life>tfc>sprites folder
for some reason mine is missing and it wont let me record demos because it says it's missing when I go to record. I tried google but there is nothing.
Super Regular
FatGuy With
A LittleGun

P: 09/01/2020 22:49 EST
    I went to upload it for you only to realize there is no zoom.spr that I can see (and what sprite would zoom be anyway exactly?)  
P: 09/01/2020 22:53 EST
    hmmm i have no idea. i type record <name> and it says
Error: could not load file sprites/zoom.spr


says same thing when i type playdemo <name>
Error: could not load file sprites/zoom.spr

no big deal i guess. just wont be able to record demos. wasn't sure if I wanted to anyway.
P: 09/01/2020 22:57 EST
    wait i just figured out what was going on. it says that error but it still works. the reason the demos wern't working is because i didn't type stop when I was done so the demo wasn't completing and was being corrupted.   
P: 09/01/2020 23:33 EST
    i guess i didn't figure it out. demos still not working correctly. oh well.  
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Forums > D2F Discussion (Archives) > Zoom.spr