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P: 05/16/2021 16:33 EST
    There's no need for post-graduate education to work in the field of geology/environmental science. I advanced pretty well in my career and didn't have an MS degree until a few years ago.

It may depend on exactly what type of job you're doing... but my experience has been that it's more about the quality of your work then your education.

I guess the only thing is that an MS degree looks pretty good on a resume for later career moves.
moose poop
Super Regular
Body Splatter

P: 05/16/2021 18:25 EST
E: 05/16/2021 18:29 EST
    This may be contra to most posts; and I state that with a touch of reserve. Education, and I don't identify high school as education, is essential, it makes for a better person, a better friend, a better worker, a better citizen and the most important, a better and fuller life. Education is not, necessarily, limited to things that are instructed in a formal academic environment, but they are not life lessons. Life lessons, street smarts, or experience, are just that, including tradesmen ships and apprenticeships (and if you don't understand this, I'm not going to explain it to you). Education is the wonder in the unknown, the push of the cliff, the contemplation...its understanding a different language other than spoken.

Yes, if you translate education to finance there is a disappointment and disconnect from a numbers of aspect. As a society we seem to be short minded and seek a financial "treat" or purpose ( and I do understand this completely) for education, but in life (yes I am old) the most interesting people, the people I would most want to be in the company of, and those that force me to be better are not those that make money - most any fool can make money - it is those that can explain Roland to me or provide me with why Paella has both seafood and meat, or why is it that my thoughts truly submit to fate

So, yes, be judicial in the wealth you expend to obtain a trade to create wealth, but don't think that money provided for education or that education is a slave to economic pursuit; education is about you being more than what or who you are now.

*with that said, the dancing chimp will follow
Mr. Walnuts
Daycare Manager
Pipey FlagCatcher

P: 05/18/2021 15:32 EST
    Along what mr. poop was saying...

I have a friend I correspond with regularly (constantly) who has never had to work. He's older than I, but I've known him since I was in high school. He finally got a college degree last year. Lots of people do this later in life, but this guy has taken courses consistently since I've known him. Probably graduated with more hours than anyone in history. He'd just take a course or two he was interested in.

He was definitely more informally educated than formally. Love talking to the guy (unless, gods help me, he gets on a Milton/Blake jag) and we get together a couple of times of year to split a bottle of Jamesons and solve the problems of the world.

So he didn't need a career. He just liked the challenge to his mind. Without all the college, I think he would have just wound up being your everyday slacker and much less interesting. "Dude, did you see Pink on "Ellen" yesterday?" Because of it, IMO, he is quite an engaging fellow.

I know a bunch of folks with less education that I get along with just great. I value honesty and reliability just as much. Once someone reveals they do not have a basic grasp of high school civics, however, I'm not wasting my time.
Super Regular
Cold Giver

P: 05/24/2021 21:10 EST
    I was schooled by royal partisans in mountain-top isolation by a since-dead priest class that, above all, sought to enamor the temporally-illiterate with impossible tales of magic.

During my last day of tutelage I requested restroom facilities, and I escaped into the sub-mountainous mist with nothing but minor magical abilities and a glider. It would take 4 weeks of incomparable agonies of hunger, fear of falling to my death and aimless mountaineering to reach the valley floor. It was here I began a journey to cram into my life all of whatever immediately surrounded me.

It was only because the fear of jumping was less than the fear of idle regret.
Super Regular
Assault Cannon

P: 05/28/2021 01:30 EST
    Miskatonic University. PhD in Biochemistry and Thanatology. Studied under Professor Herbert West.  
Daycare Manager
Pipebomb Monkey

P: 05/28/2021 06:39 EST
    Herbert West!!! I know that guy! He's got a great head on his desk!  
Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 05/28/2021 10:59 EST
    +1 for the Lovecraft ref.  
moose poop
Super Regular
Body Splatter

P: 05/29/2021 11:40 EST
sp0t wrote:
Miskatonic University. PhD in Biochemistry and Thanatology. Studied under Professor Herbert West.
get a job in a sideshow
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Forums > D2F Discussion (Archives) > College?