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Knot of preference?
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Mr. Walnuts
Daycare Manager
Pipey FlagCatcher

P: 04/19/2021 10:45 EST
    Pre-COVID, a pic circulated with me in a bow-tie at some charity event. Not sure why it caused such a stir, other than being rare for me to wear, but I got a lot of compliments on it -- and about a half dozen for my birthday.

The problem: The one I got the compliments on was a pre-tied job. The ones gifted are not. I can tie a Windsor in my sleep (I really think I have a time or two) but cannot for the life of me tie these bows.

Occasionally, I break one out to practice. I look at diagrams, watch YouTube vids, and still no luck. I probably wouldn't care so much if the ties weren't so fucking awesome.
moose poop
Super Regular
Body Splatter

P: 04/19/2021 16:24 EST
    think of tying your shoe laces  
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Forums > General Discussion (Archives) > Knot of preference?