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Existential thread
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Super Regular
Assault Cannon

P: 04/08/2021 21:12 EST
Poll: Existential Thread
This (10%)
Meaning (20%)
Thread (10%)
Has (30%)
No (30%)
Poll has ended (it ran for 14 days). 10 total votes.
Super Regular
Medic Capping

P: 04/08/2021 21:37 EST
    Do you need to get in contact with a crisis hotline?

Or Walnuts?
Daycare Manager
Killer Scout

P: 04/09/2021 09:33 EST
    Technically this thread has meaning to the creator, or else it wouldn't have been created. If it was created to not have meaning, its very existence means that it means something. If it truly has no meaning, Sp0t could easily delete it. But even if something is deleted, it can still be visible, so essentially the meaning of this thread means that it shouldn't mean anything when in fact it already means a whole lot.   
Super Regular
WMD Creator

P: 04/09/2021 09:45 EST  
Daycare Manager
Pipebomb Monkey

P: 04/09/2021 09:52 EST
-[IBSC]-iLluSiON- wrote:
Technically this thread has meaning to the creator, or else it wouldn't have been created. If it was created to not have meaning, its very existence means that it means something. If it truly has no meaning, Sp0t could easily delete it. But even if something is deleted, it can still be visible, so essentially the meaning of this thread means that it shouldn't mean anything when in fact it already means a whole lot.
"Where do you get your weed?!"

"From you, Dante."

"Oh yeah, hey Mister Cheezle!"
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Forums > General Discussion (Archives) > Existential thread