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Super Regular
Soldier Flag

P: 12/06/2021 08:25 EST
    Coming down off a near 2 week stint with COVID

I have had a severe lack of cheese intake over this time

But for real, just got my ass kicked for 2 weeks. Hope to see you guys again soon
Super Regular
Killer Scout

P: 12/06/2021 08:29 EST
    Just off the phone with my broker. Buying all the cheeze stonkz!

Was wondering where you went, good to see you survived. Now to get your ass kicked in the server
Super Regular
WMD Creator

P: 12/06/2021 08:30 EST
    Looking forward to kicking your ass for the next two weeks. Covid’s turn is over. It’s our turn now.   
Super Regular
Cold Giver

P: 12/06/2021 10:48 EST
    Glad you're better. What's a COVID diagnosis like at this point? Will a doctor get you started right away on treatments/therapies? Or do they wait until you're at death's door to react?  
Super Regular
Soldier Flag

P: 12/06/2021 11:18 EST
    So I was feeling a little stuffy in the few days leading up to big deal, it's that time of year. However, for thanksgiving, my parents and my wifes parents were getting together and I decided to get a rapid test at urgent care thanksgiving morning to be safe.

Lo and behold, positive...but my wife (7 months pregnant) was negative. She went, everybody agreed they were cool and comfortable. From the 25th of Nov to the 29th, I never escalatd worse than just the most basic of a stuffy nose. I haven't had even a common cold in about 3-4 years at this point, so I figured this was the worst I was going to get

All the while I've got an air mattress set up in my home office, and I've been living in here, getting food and drinks from my wife a-la prison style (knocks on the door and leaves)

Then she tests positive on the 28th, things have gotten more real now because of how far along she is

Then the 29th happens and my health spirals out of control quickly and violently. She's still doing OK, but we're both definitely sick.

For me, the 29th through the 4th are full of agonizing and uncomfortable waves of sleep. Can't eat. Can't drink. Can't stand up. Can't really do anything, honestly. Never had a problem breathing, never had chest pains or tightness, no physical pains. Slept from 8p-8a, then from 10a-6p. Rinse wash repeat. No appetite, my piss is nuclear radioactive orange and neon yellow. The highest indicator of malnutrition and dehydration. But I'm sleeping 20 hours a day so I can only drink so much. Dizziness, lightheadedness, fatigue, weak legs, weak everything. It was like the worst most violent hangover I've ever had that wouldn't go away for 5 days. Food didn't help, water, tea, juice, nothing.

And then I woke up yesterday morning starving and ate a bunch of toast and drank a half a gallon of orange juice. I was suddenly no longer exhausted (but generally fatigued from not doing anything for almost a week). At this point, my wife is coming out of the worst of it - uncomfortable, full-body fever aches, can't sleep well, etc...

Mid way through last week I called the hospital and explained to them what's going on...asked if we should come in and their response (no joke) was:

"Well if your symptoms are still that bad then you're definitely still not out of it yet"

"Yep, got that...but my wife is 7 months pregnant...should she come in for any evaluation?"

"Nah, she should be good...but if she stops breathing or has trouble with that, then call us"

So, the answer to your question @level1nobody, is that no, care is not preventative nor is it reactive. It simply doesn't exist. Unless I'm LeBron James and my ability to sell tickets at the LA sports arenas is compromised, then no, there is no care for someone like me. There is no widely available or accepted thing I can take or do to decrease symptom severity. I suppose I'm just a bit too average, healthy, and middle class for all of that

Side note: wife is doing better today. I'm doing a bit better today. Just working on keeping her hydrated and eating. I'm down 14 pounds from last week (a frightening amount of weight to lose inside of an 8 day span) but my piss is clearing up. We'll get there soon
Super Regular
Cold Giver

P: 12/06/2021 12:26 EST
    Ugh, that pisses me off. COVID will become endemic. Everyone will get it at some point. We should be socializing and promoting early treatments, but our national priority is mocking "horse paste."  
Super Regular
Crack-Powered Capper

P: 12/06/2021 13:42 EST
E: 12/06/2021 13:48 EST
    Agreed. Maybe if there was, God forbid, a smallpox outbreak then that would warrant vaccine passports, lockdowns, etc.

Sounds like Covid was a bit intense for you. I had it back in August and for me it was very mild. The red flag was getting some tablets of oregano oil and my wife not smelling the oil. We both tested positive and a day or so later my sense of taste and smell was totally gone. Did you lose those, pepperjack? The worst symptom was waking up two nights feeling like I ate box full of those desiccant beads in those tiny packets. It felt like all the moisture was sucked out of me and no amount of water could quench my thirst. I had this a few days before getting the oregano oil and thought my symptoms were from the forest fires going on in the mountains. Covid didn't even cross my mind. I was just lethargic and dehydrated for two days.

Hope you feel better soon and grace us with your skills.

Edit: that's crazy on the healthcare end of things. I'm a big fan of oregano oil. It's supposed to be antiviral and I do get this sensation of my lungs being "cleared up" every time I have some oregano oil.
Super Regular
WMD Creator

P: 12/06/2021 13:46 EST
E: 12/06/2021 13:47 EST
    Curious that we don't see smallpox anymore.

Super Regular
Crack-Powered Capper

P: 12/06/2021 13:54 EST
    It's like the smallpox vaccine worked or something. Unlike the Covid vaccines.   
Super Regular
Soldier Flag

P: 12/06/2021 13:56 EST
    Smell and taste totally and completely nonexistent for a good 5 days there. As of today, they have certainly recovered...maybe around 50%. I anticipate those to take a few weeks to return based on a lot of my readings.

I felt really betrayed by the hospital when they pretty much told me to take a walk
Super Regular
WMD Creator

P: 12/06/2021 14:06 EST
Backalleybuttlove wrote:
It's like the smallpox vaccine worked or something. Unlike the Covid vaccines.

Smallpox and Covid vaccines have about the same efficacy rate. Smallpox was eradicated because civilization, in marginally less retarded times than present day, were successful both in isolating and containing breakouts, and convincing everyone to get vaccinated, until the virus itself largely disappeared.

Shocking what we can accomplish as a species when half the population isn't easily indoctrinated sheep with their anger, paranoia, and delusions stoked by demagogues and sycophants, I know.
Super Regular
Shotgun Quick

P: 12/06/2021 14:06 EST
E: 12/06/2021 14:09 EST
    Was wondering where cheese was! Glad you and your girl are doing fine.

I used oregano oil extract last year when I had stomach issues and it worked wonders.

"don't see smallpox anymore"

The measles, polio and smallpox vaccines were vigorously tested and had a well-defined and proven course of action. Covid "vaccines" are unnecessary for most and carry auto-immune risks. Also, these jabs eradicate diseases, so requirements for general population and schools make sense. Flu and HPV are almost never mandated, and don't fully prevent disease.
Super Regular
Crack-Powered Capper

P: 12/06/2021 14:25 EST
E: 12/06/2021 14:29 EST
    Same efficacy? Are we going to change the definition of efficacy now?
EDIT: "The ministry said that of the 21 cases, 13 were “fully protected,” which Israel defines as anyone who got a booster shot, or those who have recovered from COVID-19 or received their initial two vaccine doses within the past six months." We're reaching a new tier of Orwellian doublespeak that could very well cause a rupture in the fabric of space and time.
Super Regular
WMD Creator

P: 12/06/2021 14:27 EST
    ^ Actually go and read up on what you're attempting to talk about there. The methodology that led up to the vaccines for those diseases was far more crude and hit and miss than what we've done in the modern age with the Covid vaccines, though yes, scientific principles were still employed to reach the destination for all.

The efficacy for all those vaccines range from 80~95%, similar to the Covid vaccines, and also provide increased protection against symptoms even when breakthroughs occur. All typically provide immunity (assuming the patient falls within the efficacy range) for a limited timespan. Looking them up, they seem to carry increased and more severe risk of side effects than do the Covid vaccines.

Yet they were effective at largely eliminating those diseases. Why? Because, as I stated earlier, the public was less batshit crazy at the time and more willing to trust both science and the government to eradicate the threats those diseases posed, and mass vaccinations were ultimately successful, as well as efforts to isolate infected populations.

Now, yes, many of those diseases were much worse than Covid, so the public was more willing to trust the countermeasures.

But unless one's brain is made of mush and they have hard ons for being deceived and manipulated by outrage mouthpieces, the facts are that three quarters of a million Americans have died as a result of Covid or with Covid as a contributing factor, the vaccine is incredibly safe (side effects are rare, and not at all outside the norm of other medications and vaccine efforts), and the vaccine is very effective at cutting down the likelihood and severity of the disease. These facts don't give one single shit about the feelings of low IQ, indoctrinated NPCs, though sadly the fate of our society is still greatly impacted by them.
Super Regular
Shotgun Quick

P: 12/06/2021 14:30 EST
E: 12/06/2021 14:31 EST
Backalleybuttlove wrote:
Same efficacy? Are we going to change the definition of efficacy now?
Speaking of changing definition, after covid jabs were introduced, and it was discovered that they do not necessarily *prevent disease* or *provide immunity*, the CDC altered the definition of vaccines(again) to say that they simply *produce protection*. If it was a vaccine people who had the jab wouldn't get covid. The vaccinated get covid, so it's not a vaccine. It's a therapeutic. And by *law*, btw, you should *not* be able to mandate a therapeutic.
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