brian.ftw (STEAM_0:0:1620678)
Body Splatter, Rocket Jockey, Noob HWGuy, Rambo Engineer

Last joined on 4/25/2023. First recorded join on 11/20/2010.

brian.ftw has also been known as: Brian.ftCOW, 5 fps guy, - - - - - 1 - Player - - - - -, fuck the virgin mary, !!!!!, PLAYERone, player whoughn, player whoughn.ftcow, phlayercowmoocowmoo, FortressForever>TF2, ragejoin, playermoocowmoocowmoo, COW.ragejoin, (10234)Player, 'Son of Zorn' was pretty good, OpenGL > DirectX, crudedude, InfamousChunk, InfamousChunk.cow, InfamousChunk.noSound, (3)Player, MAGAKAG, `InfamousChunk.cow, Pre-Teleport TFC, Quinoa Winner.cow, Democrap, tenfifity, (1)Player, I Am Zorn

     Kills Per Hour for each Class
Generic Totals
Hours Played: 206.68 (#1702)
Enemy Kills: 12,538 (#1584)
Deaths from Enemies: 10,816
Kill to Death Ratio: 1:1.06 (#7968)
Kills Per Hour: 60.66 (#6349)
Suicides: 2,470
Team Kills: 31
Deaths from Team: 35
Team to Enemy Kills: 1:404.45
Flag Caps: 125 (#1190)
Lines Said: 3,691
Team to Global Lines: 1.24:1
Kicks: 2
Server Joins: 550
Offense Kills: 4,522
Defense Kills: 8,016
(off and def kills were not always tracked)
Flag Carrier Kills: 434 (#1266)
Sentry Gun Kills: 1,121 (#854)
Dispenser Kills: 476 (#823)
Teleporter Exits Destroyed: 242
TP Entrances Destroyed: 90

Classes Played
Scout: 0% (0.78 Hrs)
Sniper: 3% (7.92 Hrs)
Soldier: 80% (165.37 Hrs)
Demoman: 0% (1.35 Hrs)
Medic: 0% (1.80 Hrs)
HWGuy: 2% (4.48 Hrs)
Pyro: 0% (1.03 Hrs)
Spy: 0% (0.83 Hrs)
Engineer: 10% (21.83 Hrs)
RandomPC: 0% (0.02 Hrs)

     Hours played for each Class

Game Records
Most Enemy Kills: 98
Most Friendly Kills: 4
Most Deaths: 96
Most Suicides: 14
Lines Said (all): 75
Lines Said (team): 46

Custom Stats
Total uNFs: 14 (#3288)
Deflowerings: 1 (#1620)
Successful Hunts: 0
Failed Hunts: 1
Hunts Foiled: 1
Hunt Success: 0% (NR)
Beer Purchases: 0
Bagel Purchases: 0
Nuke Purchases: 0
